Part 8

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I am thrilled that we are leaving the hospital.

Now that the ringing is a little better, the beeping of the machines has been very annoying, and so has Dr Renyolds and Fiona. I know they're kind of nice, but they kept touching all the places that hurt, and while they were gentle and soft with their touches. I still hate the feeling of their skin against mine.

Plus, who knows how long their nice-guy act will last? It's just a matter of time until the front fades, and they hurt me. Cory had friends like that. He would bring them around, and they would sometimes act nice and be kind, only for them to turn around and hurt me eventually. 

Everyone hurts you at some point; it's just a matter of time.

So I am glad we are leaving them behind as well.

I don't fully understand what Taylor told me earlier, no matter how much I think about her words. But I do understand that, according to her, I never have to see Cory again because I am going to live with her. I don't know where Mummy has gone, but I like Taylor, so maybe this will be better. As long as I don't have to see Cory again, I am willing to try out this whole staying with Taylor thing.

I just don't understand what she meant when she said Mummy isn't my Mummy; she is. 

However, she said Mummy funny, with like an o sound. Now I think about it, Taylor speaks kind of funny. It's like how Mummy used to talk when she was stressed, but Cory would hurt her when she sounded like that and reminded her to sound like I do. She doesn't sound like any of the people I've heard while moving around. It's weird. She has a pretty voice, though. And she hums really nice melodies when I'm sleepy.

I know I haven't been with Taylor long, although I'm still not sure how long I was asleep the first time. Taylor has been nicer to me than anyone else ever has, including Mummy, though. Not to mention, Taylor gives amazing cuddles and doesn't get mad at me for wanting to cuddle all the time.

Cuddles are my favourite thing, and I used to try and get them from Mummy, but she was always too busy with Cory now. Taylor doesn't seem to be busy; if she is, she seems to like having cuddles with me enough not to let that get in the way. Or at least I am hoping she likes the cuddles as much as I do. She hasn't left the hospital even once, so that has to be something. Right?

"Crap, I forgot a car seat," Taylor mumbles as we get to the car, her Mom, who I think is called Andrea, Axle and some other people following behind us. I don't need a car seat. Cory says they're for babies, and I'm not a baby anymore. He said I'm a big girl and better act like it when I act like a baby, which means if I cried or did anything that wasn't perfect, he would hit me until I learned to be a big girl. So why do I need a car seat?

"I'll go get one if you want. I can bring it to the hotel," someone offers, but it is one of the men I don't know the name of, so I keep my head hidden in Taylor's neck. Men are scary. They're all like Cory. Cory is mean. I don't want any more mean people in my life. Taylor doesn't seem mean, but there is still time for her to change and show her true colours.

"Um, yeah, that would be great. Thanks, Dad," Taylor mumbles as Axle opens the door, and she slides into the back with me, her Mom following behind as some redhead lady gets in the front with Axle. I guess one of the men following us is Taylor's dad. I hope he's nicer than Cory. Or at least not as bad as Cory. Cory is pretty bad. Can someone be worse than him?

"Right, buddy, why don't you spin around, and I'll be your booster seat until we get you a real one, huh? You're too little to sit by yourself. The seatbelt will dig into your neck, and if we crash, you could get really hurt," Taylor asks, gently helping me do as she suggests before bringing the seat belt over us both. I'm not little. I'm a big girl. She isn't going to hurt me for being little, right? Like Cory used to?

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