Part 26

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"RYAN!" A voice shouts before a little body runs towards Ry and me, which instantly has her tensing in my arms, her body turning around in my hold until her head is in my neck, clearly startled by the shout. "It's just Inez, buddy. I think she might be excited to spend the day with you. Huh? Just like you were this morning when I told you. Is that nice?" I coo, pressing a soft kiss to her head before standing up, knowing that if I stay seated any longer, Inez will jump on Ryan, and that will freak her out more than she is right now.

"Good morning, Inez. I guess Aunt Taylor doesn't get a hello now that you have a new bestie, huh?" I tease the little blonde as she crashes into my leg with a laugh, her head shaking teasingly as she looks up at me. "Ryan, Mommy said we are hanging out today. She says we are going on a secret adventure. Do you know what we are doing? She wouldn't tell me, and she wouldn't tell Daddy because she knew he would tell. Oh, Ryan, you need to meet my Daddy because you didn't get to last time. His name is Ryan, too. How cool is that?" Inez rushed out, straight back to ignoring me, which made me laugh.

"I dunno. Austin asked me about boats, though," Ryan replies, which makes me smile. I was slightly worried that she would clam up the second Blake and the kids got here, not having seen them since her little runaway accident, so the fact that she hasn't has me beyond proud. I honestly can't put into words just how proud I am of how far she has come since Edinburgh. It blows my mind that she can be the amazing little girl she is after everything that has happened to her. I don't know how she does it, but I am just in awe of her.

"I knew I shouldn't have told Austin what we were doing. He just can't keep a secret," I teasingly complain, which has both the girls laughing as Ry twiddles with my neckless without a second thought, clearly happy up here in my arms. "Where's your sling?" Inez asks Ryan as I slowly move us to sit on the sofa so she can talk to Inez more easily, testing the waters to see if she will tense up again, which she doesn't. 

"I don't need it anymore. Or the wheelchair," Ry tells her with a massive smile, making my own smile grow; just happy to see Ry happy. I was worried that today was going to be too much, especially since it was clear Ry didn't exactly warm up to Gracie, ignoring her presence all morning. But seeing her with Inez now makes me relaxed.

"Aunt Taylor," two other voices call, making me smile as I slowly slide Ry onto the couch herself before moving to crouch down so the girls hug me a little away from Ryan, not wanting to test things further by having everyone all over both of us. I hug Betty first before moving on to James. 

"At least some people still love me," I smile, although it turns into a pout when James swiftly moves onto Ryan, Betty following closely behind her. "Now you know how I feel being Shadow's fourth favourite," Austin teases me, making me laugh as I shake my head. "How would I know? I'm her favourite. You have a stuffed cat above you," I quip back before walking over to Blake and Selena, who had just walked through.

"I see Ryan has replaced you as the girl's favourite," Blake adds to the teasing, making me laugh as I give her a hug, nodding at the words but not mad at them at all. I'm just happy Ry has friends, especially since once the tour is over, we will be close to them, so Ry will be able to see them as often as she wants. "Can't blame them. I would pick her over me, too," I shrug just as I watch the four girls chat away; Gracie still sat on her phone in the corner, clearly not entertained by the younger girls.

"The girls won't stop asking me about when they could see her next. Since we came back to New York, it has been Ryan this, Ryan that. When can we see Ryan? Ryan would love this. Do you think Ryan would like this? I think Inez is a little obsessed, to be honest," Blake teases, which makes me laugh as warmth spreads across my chest. I have been so worried that Ry wouldn't make friends. I mean, she has been through hell and back, and then on top of that, because of my career, she will never get a normal childhood, never get to go to normal school and just be with kids her own age. So, the fact that Inez clearly wants to be her friend means more than anything to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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