Part 7

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Taylor's POV

So, after some gentle persuasion, I found out Ryan loves chicken tenders. Like loves them. In fact, she might like them even more than I do, which is so adorable. Because the way her little eyes lit up after taking a bit of one was so cute, I am honestly distraught that I missed the chance to get a picture of it.

That was last night, and since then, all Ryan has eaten is chicken tenders because, except for begging me not to hurt her, she hasn't said anything, and since I know she likes them, that's what I got her for lunch because she refused to eat the breakfast they brought her. I didn't blame her because I ate it, and it was, well, um, not the best.

We are currently waiting for Dr Renylods to come in and put her cast on, and then, apparently, we are good to leave. I have all her files ready to go so that I can send them to the physician I am already looking into for her in New York when we get home.

All that is left is for me to visit the embassy and sign some things, and then Ryan and I can go home.

Well, that and I need to continue to avoid my parents and Tree, who I may have given Axle strict instructions to not let into Ryan's room.

In my defence, Ryan is terrified of everyone and everything. The last thing she needs is to be around the three of them trying to force me into putting Ryan second to my career because things will get messy, and I don't want to risk scaring her if we argue because I know we will and I would hate all the progress we have made to go up in smoke because those three don't understand that I need to put her first.

"Hey, little survivor," I ask softly, trying to catch Ryan's attention as she plays with my fingers lazily. She has not let go of me since she woke up the first time, and I am definitely not complaining.

The first time I had to move so that I could pee, she burst into tears, and it took me twenty minutes to convince her I was coming straight back. Honestly, I was two seconds away from just bringing her with me, but luckily, some Woof cuddles calmed her down, and just like promised, I came straight back, and I was welcomed with the best hug that I may have made me cry for the billionth time.

I was honestly terrified that when I came back, she would have closed in on herself even more and not want anything to do with me, so the fact that she had practically glued herself to me the second I was close enough for her to reach me has me happier than I could ever explain.

"What colour do you want your cast to be?" I ask when she looks up at me, her little bruised face making my heart ache, but I push it aside as I play with some of the hair that had fallen into her eyes.

After a long talk with Fiona and Dr Renyolds, I managed to give a rather unhappy Ryan a shower this morning after she refused to eat her breakfast. Honestly, I think I was lucky she was exhausted. Otherwise, she would have given me a real run for my money fighting against it because even while sleepy, she made her displeasure over being showered known.

But now that she was showered, I could see just how beautiful her hair was. It's long and blonde and curly, just like mine was. Honestly, she is like a mini-me, and I can't understand how my parents ever doubted she was mine. She is just so perfect I can't help but just watch her for hours, which is precisely what I did when she fell asleep once I changed her into some pyjamas Fiona brought for her so that she wouldn't have to wear the hospital gown.

When I don't get a reply from Ryan, I just smile, picking up the little bits of plaster Dr Renylods left earlier while Ryan was napping. "Look, you can pick which is your favourite. Remember, you are going to have a cast for a few weeks, so you should pick the one you like the most," I offer, placing the options down in front of her so she could pick. Dr Renyolds had suggested having her pick before they came through in the hopes that this way, it would be less overwhelming for her.

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