Part 24

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Taylor's POV

"Buddy, can we please go get ready now?" I ask, watching as Ryan just stares at the screen in front of her, too focused on listening to Austin's whispers and the fourth Harry Potter movie to pay me any attention. Honestly, ever since he started slipping her fruit shoots, I am pretty sure he has become her favourite person.

It turns out there is something Ry likes more than chocolate and chicken: fruit shoots. Trust her to be obsessed with something you can't even get in the States. But I'll find a way because there is no way I would ever deny her something she genuinely seems to love. Even if I wish she would drink less fruit shoots and more water.

When I came back after my concert two nights ago, I found Ryan on Austin's lap, only just awake as she sipped on a fruit shoot. If the whole thing hadn't been so cute, I would have killed Austin for giving her so many of those drinks because there were more empty bottles than I could count scattered around the dressing room.

But how could I be mad when she was cuddling him all sick and sleepy? I couldn't. In fact, I must have taken a billion photos of them before she noticed I was there and was silently begging me for cuddles, which I happily gave her.

It was such a big step, and the fact that she seemed so peaceful while cuddling him made my heart soar. She is doing so well and making so much progress, and I am so unbelievably proud of her. So, so, so proud.

She is coming along leaps and bounds since she came back into my life, and I honestly don't know how she is doing it. Plus, it turns out her progress with Austin extended to my Mom, who she will now gladly give a hug, well, when she feels like it and on her own terms, but still. She is doing fantastic.

Sighing, I move in front of her, grabbing her little hand so that she will focus on me, making her grumble over not being able to see the movie any more. Her irritated look instantly changed to a smile when she spotted it was me, though, which had my own smile working its way onto my face. "Taylor," she whispers, making me laugh softly as I nod. "Hey, little survivor," I greet back, steadying myself when she practically jumps onto me—ignoring Austin, who fakes a cough 

"Mommy's girl," slipping past his lips dramatically.

Honestly, you would think she hadn't seen me all day. When, in actual fact, it's been half an hour since I stepped out to take a call from Tree so as not to disturb her precious movie. I was just going to stay in the room while we talked, but after some very pointed glares, I got the idea that they didn't want me talking in there, so I took the call in the kitchen so I was close enough to keep an eye on her but far away enough that I wasn't disturbing the movie. I think Austin has succeeded in making Harry Potter Ry's favourite movies. She takes watching them very seriously.

"We need to go get ready, buddy. We have to leave for the doctor in half an hour, and then we have our flight, remember?" I ask softly, trying not to laugh at the pout that forms on her little face. Ryan has made her opinion of going to see the doctor clear. It is not something she wants to do, despite me assuring her it will be fine. She hasn't refused or anything verbal, but every time I mention it, she pulls the cutest little grumpy face and just silently begs me with her eyes not to take her. Honestly, if I weren't so worried about her flying with all her injuries, I probably would have caved and let her skip the appointment.

"Movie," she mumbles, moving out of my arms and settling back onto the sofa. She crosses her one arm over her sling with a pout, making me sigh as I shoot Austin a look. Who seems to get the idea and pauses the movie.

"Why don't you want to go to the doctor, buddy?" I ask softly, playing with her fingers as she refuses to look at me. "I know it's scary, but I promise it's going to be okay. They just need to check that everything is healing okay so that you can fly. I don't want us to get on the plane if it is going to cause you any pain. They're not going to tell you you're hurt this time. And they shouldn't need to give you any jabs or anything. It'll be alright," I explain, moving to play with her hair when that doesn't get a reaction.

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