Part 25

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"Little survivor," a voice whispers as I am moved from where I was sleeping, which has me whining until my head settles somewhere warm, safety radiating through my body as I start to go back to sleep almost instantly. Although whatever I am now trying to sleep on moves, a laugh meeting my ears has me whining more.

"Oh, I know. I'm so mean, buddy," a voice coos into my ear, and I shuffle to avoid it. A hand rubs my back softly, slipping under my, well, Taylor's, t-shirt that I slept in last night, which makes me sigh. "Why were you sleeping on the piano, buddy?" Taylor asks as I continue to try to go back to sleep, making me huff.

After we landed last night, we came straight to Taylor's house, and she showed me all around. It was like a mix of the hotel rooms and her place in London. Because it was up a lift and had no garden like the hotels, but it had lots of rooms and privacy like her place in London. I like it.

She made sure I knew where the music room and her room were so I could always find them because this place was a bit confusing. Taylor's room is where I had initially fallen asleep after dinner. Taylor decided we could both use an early night due to the time differences. But then I woke up from a nightmare and figured the best thing to do was go play. I was just going to play with my pebbles in Taylor's room to avoid getting lost in the new place, but I couldn't find my backpack with my pebbles in it because it was dark. So the music room was my next choice.

I played for a while, and then I must have fallen asleep. Because I don't remember it being light out while I played, but now that Taylor has moved me, all my eyes can feel is the burning sun, even with them screwed shut.

"Couldn't find my pebbles," I grumble back, still trying my best to go back to sleep, but Taylor seems to be doing everything possible to stop that as she walks us through the house. "They're in your backpack, buddy. It's still in the front room. I'll make sure they're in our room tonight for you," she assured, clearly having worked out why I wanted them as she kissed my head softly before she sat down, keeping me wrapped in her arms.

"Now, I know you are sleepy, little saviour. But we have a big day ahead of us. Some of my friends are coming for breakfast, and then we are going to explore all the places Austin told you about yesterday. Tonight, we are going to have dinner with Austin and my parents because Austin is going home tomorrow. My Dad is going to come to the next few shows with us, so he wants to spend some time with you before we fly to Dublin," she explained softly, making me grumble more. I do not like that things are going to change or that I have to meet more people.

"Blake is coming after breakfast with James, Inez and Betty. They are going to come on our adventure as well. Is that okay with you?" She adds, which perks me up a little, which I am guessing Taylor could tell because she laughs softly as she plays with my hair, giving me time to realise I'm not going back to sleep right now. "Inez is coming?" I ask, finally caving and taking my head from Taylor's chest, earning a big smile as she nods, moving some hair from my eyes with a soft movement.

"She is. In fact, they will be here in a few hours. So, buddy, we need to get you showered and dressed. You ready to be awake now?" Taylor teased, making me sigh as I momentarily let my head fall back to her chest, giving myself ten seconds of sleepiness before nodding.

"Perfect. Can you go and brush your teeth while I get dressed? Austin got you a stool so you can reach the counter without being a monkey," she teased, making me nod as I ran off to start my morning routine. I never really had a routine before, not before Taylor. But Taylor says it's essential to have one, mainly because we travel so much while she is on tour. She said it helps us feel like we are at home no matter where we are. I like it.

Although, I don't know what home is supposed to feel like. Taylor says home should feel like your cosiest blanket on a chilly day, wrapping you up in warmth and comfort. It's where your favourite toys are ready to play, and your books wait to take you on adventures. Home smells like cookies baking in the oven or fresh flowers on the table. It's where hugs are plentiful, and laughter fills the air. Home feels safe, like a sturdy tree that shelters you from rain. It's where you can be yourself, with family who love you just as you are. Home is where your heart smiles every time you walk through the door.

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