[chap 4!] aid me!!

478 18 35



Enjoy! 🤭

While Rebel was chasing you, you accidentally ran into something. AGAIN. "AUGH WHAT DID I RUN INTO THIS TIME!?" You fell into Rebel's arms before getting your consciousness back. "Isn't this Jard's monster truck?" you asked him, he just replied with a simple "Yeah." You tried climbing onto the truck but it was too high to reach the seat.
"Shortie.." Rebel thought. You accidentally fell off the tire, "oh no-" you said, landing onto the ground arm-first. "WAAAAAAAA" you obviously started whining because your arm is where you got that large cut.

Your eyes started getting glassy because it was throbbing a lot because of that. You also didn't realize that tears were flowing slowly from your eyes. "You good?" Rebel said while approaching you from behind. "Y-yeah.." you stuttered out. But he obviously knew you weren't okay because blood started pouring out from your arm. "Y'know.. maybe I should take you to a medic.." he squeezed your arm gently as he lead you back to Defect Rebel to bandage you.


So.. you guys had to dial Trooper because.. The scar would maybe get infected without proper care and treatment. When you guys finally arrived at Trooper's place, when immediately grabbed you. "AA- oh wait!! Hey Trooper!" You casually said, obviously not you screaming 2 seconds ago, he just sighed.. with.. A RED HUE ON HIS FACE!? "Great.. now he's angry at me.." you thought to yourself. (Y/N so innocent.. imposter next round tho 😍🤭) "Could you lift your arm up for me?" He said in a gentle tone, (I'm cringing at this sentence) so you lifted your arm up. When he was done bandaging it, you both peeked through the doorway. "Whos that guy in the green armour?" You whispered to Trooper, "That's Vanguard. But you should probably stay away from him. He doesn't like newcomers like you" Trooper whispered back. "Oh!" That's when you obviously screwed up because he turned around. "Oops.." you muttered to yourself.

You stepped back a bit and started running. "AAAAAAAA" you bumped into the monster truck again before turning back and seeing that Vanguard was walking towards you. "OH MAH GAH-" you quickly placed down a speed pad, ran to it, and jumped. Maybe.. you would land in the monster truck? "WOOOOO!!" While Vanguard was probably maniac laughing right now. You found a spare chain saw and threw it onto the ground. 2 seconds of wondering why you did that, you jumped onto the ground to activate the chainsaw. The other 5 just stared at you in shock as Vanguard got more and more closer to you. "Y/N YOU SHOULD REALLY RUN RIGHT NOW!!!" Bobo screamed at you.

"NAHH!! NAWT TODAY GUYS!!" You pulled the chainsaw line, (idk) and rushed towards Vanguard. "HERE I GOOO!!" Vanguard quickly noticed and dodged your chainsaw. You muttered to yourself: "Welp.. I'm screwed.." you said, accepting your fate. Defect Rebel quickly pushed you aside, making Vanguard hit him instead. "WTF WERE YOU GONNA DO TO Y/N!?" Defect Rebel yelled at Vanguard. "Oh! Actually, I was going to return Y/N's tablet!" He spoke in an enthusiastic tone, handing you the tablet, Defect's face flushed red because he probably thought that he was going to hurt you or something.


Once everyone was back at the base, it started getting late, so you all went to bed. "Night everyone!" You said, everyone else responding with appreciation. Once everyone was probably asleep, you started to hear beeping sounds from your radar. A nextbot is near? "Weird.." you grumbled to yourself. But just then, could hear eerie sounds outside your window. You took a peak and could see.. MUNCI!? "I better warn everyone.." you put on your most comfiest clothes and grabbed all stuff, then you headed to the control room.

One you got there, started to press the arrow keys so that you could see everyone's room, but they were all in.. Bobo's room!? And they were like talking? Maybe they were playing Truth or Dare because Jard had a straw perfectly balanced on his head. "They didn't invite me..? So strange.. BUT THEY DIDNT INVITE MEE!!" you thought to yourself. You angrily pressed the speaker button and talked in the microphone, obviously trying to hide your anger.

"GUYS!! CHECK YOUR RADARS!! I COULD HEAR BEEPING FROM MINE AND I THINK MUNCI IS HEAR BECAUSE I SAW IT!!l you screamed into the microphone. everyone slipped on some clothes while you were looking away, and met you in the control room. You showed them the picture that you took and Rebel said: "That looks edited! You're probably lying, Y/N."

"I agree!! That looks so edited, Y/N, you really need to improve your editing skills if you're gonna trick us." Defect said angrily.

"Why would you even wake us up at such a time!?" Jard shouted at you.


You could hear glass shatter in another room, the living room. Everyone rushed over there and peeked behind the wall. There's it was. Munci. "Huh.. so you weren't lying.." Bobo said cautiously. "DONTTELLMETHATNOWBECAUSEWENEEDTORUN!!!" You yelled at them, running through the evacuation exit. Once you all got to a safe place, which was IKEA, everyone started panting really hard. Defect Rebel and Rebel weren't panting that hard because they've experienced this, but everyone else was. "Y... /N.... why.. didn't you... tell us.... EARLIER....?" Jard said, out of breath. You tried to answer, but you couldn't anyway because you were panting so much. You were also really tired, so you kinda fell asleep.


You woke up, feeling something soft on you. Obviously, you were sleeping on your hand (thank god bruh) but you noticed Jard's sweater on you.


hehe 😜

1012 words
haha I had to search up Vanguard's name because I forgor. 💀


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