[chap 9] ripoff excalibur!!

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You all agreed to escape together, I mean, leaving behind Katdy and Mila would be rude anyway!. You guys just decided to find the keys and work together! I mean- how hard could it possibly be? You decided you would do everything for them instead, I mean, you did have the keys after all. Once you tried the white key, it didn't fit. "Why is the dang game so hard.." you mumbled to yourself. You walked into the carnival tent and climbed up the stairs, leading to a big wooden plank. "Guess I gotta balance!" You said to yourself, knowing nobody would reply. In the middle of the plank, it grew into a square, and after that square, it was just normal again. Before you could even move 1 step, you could hear Defect Rebel and Rebel screaming. "SHIT NOW I HAVE TO GET DOWN THESE SMALL STAIRS-" you thought to yourself. "JUST JUMP, THERES NO FALL DAMAGE!" Mila yelled out to you, before running towards the screaming.
You jumped down and walked towards the screaming because... why not? When you finally arrived, You could see the look of horror on Rebel's face, but Defect didn't mind because he enjoys this stuff. You reached for Rebel's hand and squeezed it, just to tell him that you're here. "Whats going o-AAAAAA-" you started screaming the it eventually faded away. Seeing Bobo in a cage with.. some humanised fox furry!? Whatever- "BOBO GET OUT OF THAT CAGE!!" you screamed to him. There was also some gun shooting behind you, but the tent was blocking your view, so you didn't bother. "BUT Y/N!! Theres a white key here.." Bobo said, stars gleaming in his eyes, while approaching the key, AND the monster. "Theres a note here.." Defect said, picking it up.
'DO NOT OPEN, MONSTER INSIDE. -' you took a closer look at it, just to realise the name was scribbled out. "Dang it!" you mumbled, while Defect patted you on the head a little bit. Rebel's shrieking also being more intense because Bobo was getting closer to they key, and closer to the fox. "Why don't you go inside.. Hm?" you said, taunting him. "I DON'T WANNA GO INSIDE!!" Rebel whimpered. You've never seen him look like such a baby. "Toddler." Defect said, mocking him silently. (I said toddler because I didnt want you or defect to say 'baby' 😭) Bobo snatched the key and crawled out of the vent, leaving the monster growling at him as we ran away. "Phew!" you said, wiping sweat off your face, that was intense- also, at least Rebel stopped shrieking. You could see Mila hitting the high striker, and getting a hammer. "I dont think you guys wanna go that direct-" Mila was interrupted by another scream from Bobo, Defect, AND Rebel. "TOLD YOU GUYS" Mila said, rolling her eyes and walking the direction of where they were screaming.
"HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!?" Rebel screamed out to Jard, who was shooting some kind of clown. "IDONTKNOWBUTLETSGETOUTOFHERE!!" Jard said, finally shooting the 'Piggy' Text appeared in front of you all: 'Piggy is knocked out for 20 seconds.' "20 SECONDS!? HURRY UP GUYS!!" Rebel said, dragging you to the exit. After Mila knocked the boards off, she let all of you in first. "Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something.." you mumbled a little bit louder than you thought. The other 4 just shrugged. Mila came inside the little room too. There was some kind of.. portal generator? Which lead you guys to the Jungle. Before anyone could even take a step into the portal, Mila turned off the generator. "We gotta save the battery dummies!" Mila said, crossing her arms.
"But what do we have to wait for!?" Rebel said, copying Mila, which let let out a small chuckle. She opened the exit door again. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT THEYRE COMING FOR US!!" Bobo said in a furious tone, trying to close the exit, but it wouldn't budge. Mila snapped her fingers, and a loud explosion could be heard at the carnival entrance. "AAAAAAAAAAAA-" within 7 seconds, Katdy came rushing through, she even accidentally stepped on some kind of button, which activated the portal, but when she also accidentally went through, IT FUCKING CLOSED!! "WHAT THE FUCK BITCHDY!" Jard yelled, the portal opened back up again, because Kathy was stepping on a button from the jungle. "Oh-" Jard let out an embarrassing laugh, while Katdy just raised an eyebrow. She also tossed you something, which you couldn't quite tell because the graphics in this game were a little bit low. You all went through, which lead to Katdy (bitchdy 😍) closing the portal. "Whats this?" you said, eyeing the weirdly majestic thing that Katdy gave you. "Idk- it was in some kind of showcase.. and.. it looked really cool-" You tossed it back and forth to each other, playing some kind of tossing game. Jard interrupted you 2 by saying: "What are you guys doing-" Jard said, snatching the artefact out of thin air. "Wait a minute-" Mila and Rebel said together. "It says- 'Do not throw'" Rebel pointed out.
"WAIT WHAT-" You all screamed out, the artifact dropped onto the ground by itself and summoned some kind of rock and beam. "IM GONNA GO BLIND!!" Bobo said, wailing. "JUST HANG ON THERE BUDDY!!" You said, covering his eyes. And in a blink of an eye, there was a rock, and a green sword inside the rock. Other players came rushing towards the weird sight and started to try and pull the sword out. "ITS RIPOFF EXCALIBUR!!" one yelled out, which lead to other texts like: "BAHHAHAAHAH-" or "💀" you, Mila, and the other 4 even tried pulling it out, which it didn't work. Katdy was just eyeing it as she tried to pull it out. No luck. "Hey- you know how were trapped in this book, right?" Mila said, backing up towards Katdy. All of their eyes widened, but the other evade player ignored her and kept trying to pull the sword out. "Well- I think its gonna be some easy solution like.. 'fRiEnDsHiP' aha- no way im working with that guy over there-" Katdy said, pointing to Rebel and eyeing him. "Hey! You jerk!" Rebel said, grabbing Katdy's hand and bringing it down. "Guys don't fight!" you said, trying to change the topic. "Well.. theres probably some clues here.." Defect said before he said again, "Lets split up! To find clues and paper" Everyone was sorted into partners, which only left Katdy and Rebel. "YOU!?"
They both said, pointing at each other. "I'll take hi-" you gladly said before you were interrupted by Katdy in a demonic voice. "NO HES MINE" Kat said, gripping onto his neck and smiling. You all obviously knew they were gonna get into a fight, but you just let them be. (sorry rebel simps~)
--mini timeskip brought to you by Katdy and Mila picture at the end.--
You and Mila have collected A LOT of papers, because you 2 were obviously faster than those other partners combined. "Whew! Good work!" Mila said, smiling cheerfully. "AND YOURE STILL NOT TIRED!?" you said, panting. "I just have 2186 sodas in my bag!" she said handing you one with pleasure. "Aw!! Thanks!!" you took it thankfully and sipped the soda, letting the fizz go done your throat. Maybe after 6 or 7 minutes of chatting, you could yelling at the sword. "Thats sounds like.." you said, before you were interrupted by Mila sighing. "Katdy and Rebel.." She took your hand and walked over to the scene. Katdy was screaming dramatically and running around, while Rebel was chasing her like a wild animal. "HELP MEEE-" Rebel pushed her onto the ground, cackling with laughter. But she immediately got up because her rose started flying. "NOOOOOO MY ROOOSE!!!" Katdy said, running after it. Rebel was just trailing behind her, silently so he could attack. AGAIN. Katdy finally caught her rose, but Rebel tripped her (on purpose) to make it fall out of her hands. "YOU FUCKING JERK!!" Katdy said, running towards her rose again. She accidentally tripped on some stick and feel to the ground with a loud 'oof!' "Dang- I wonder how her WHITE clothes aren't dirty yet!!" Mila sighed loudly while you just giggled at her.
Rebel tripped on the SAME stick and fell onto Katdy, which she Immediately shrieked, got up, and took a photo of Rebel gasping for help. "MEHEHEHEHEHEHE" The 3 partnered pairs were just stunned looking at this 'movie' but it was actually funny to watch. They didn't even say anything to each other. Later when Rebel and Katdy were still fighting, Rebel pushed her, and caught her accidentally. "WHAT THE- GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!! IM TOO GOOD FOR YOU!!" Katdy said, shuffling off of Rebels hands and accidentally banging off of the excalibur. Mila pulled out one of the most important notes. I MEAN- IT HAS 'IMPORTANT' WRITTEN AT THE TOP!! "DUDE IT SAYS KATDY AND REBEL ON THIS NOTE-" You said in fear, glancing back at the situation Katdy and Rebel were in. Katdy was still hanging for dear life on that rock, while Rebel took pictures with her camera. "HEY THATS MY CAMERA!!" Katdy said, getting up.
Welp- this next scene is weird. Katdy ACCIDENTALLY grabbed Rebel, tripped on ANOTHER stick and fell backwards, causing Rebel AND Katdy to bang their heads onto the excalibur, and big beam shot below them. "WHAT IS HAPPENING- AAAAAAAA" You, Mila, Defect, Bobo, AND JARD. Screamed in horror in what you saw.
Katdy and Rebel-
cliffhanger uwu

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