Ivy - London

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Ivy set in her living room as her mom-a curvy African woman in her 30s put the tv on Sky News. "Emails of prince Henry with the first son of the united state Alex Claremont Díaz have been leaked. The correspondence in the emails suggest that the two have been or still in an on going romantic relationship." Jonathan Samuel said from the tv, she already saw it a few hours before on twitter and buzz feed but her parents did not-her dad raised his head from his book, putting his glasses on his forehead to reveal his blue eyes and her mom gasped in surprise as she stopped her cooking. "Well I suppose.. he always seem a bit different than the rest of his family." Her mom said in surprise. "He seem more uplifted in interviews than before, maybe that is the cause?" Her dad asked, his Londonian accent sharp in his voice. "You are not mad about it." She partly asked and partly stated, putting a strand of her red hair behind her ear as her blue eyes started to shine at her father. "Well, if he is happy..." her mom started, a bit more hesitant than her father, but it still caught Ivy by surprise. Her mother was a hard core christian, church every Sunday and a golden cross necklace constantly hanging around her neck. "That Alex seem like a nice guy, the son of a president. And if he break's the prince's heart, the whole kingdom is behind him. We could start a war on America even though I doubt we'll win." Her father joked, smiling before returning to his book. Her mom looked back at the tv before smiling to herself lightly. "Yeah." She said and returned to her cooking. Ivy looked around in slight surprise before looking back at the TV. "The pair revived good response from the public both here in the UK and the US as well as other places of the world. The support for the pair is quite very extraordinary, people have been organising assemblies and the streets are full of people ready for this change. This is truly a holiday for the LGBTQ community who shows its support to the couple in this uneasy occurrence. Now to our commentator Mark Stone in Washington DC..." Jonathan Samuel continued after his tribute to the pair. She got up and went to her room, she thought of everything that happened and was so very relieved because all the fears she had about coming out has faded, suddenly she did not want to hide anymore.
The next day she told them. "I am a lesbian." She said as they set in the dinner table, just like that, out of the blue. "Darling, when you were three you set me for a full hour talking about how pretty Mulan is, so I'm not really that surprised." Her mom told her and her dad chocked on a pea as he laughed. "Is there a special girl?" Her dad winked at her which caused her to laugh as she fought the urge to throw up a bit. And that is it, the they went on as if it was any day. And she felt so fucking proud of herself. She even added a little pride flag in her Instagram bio.
And just like that she was out, and it was way less scary and awful than she thought.

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