Eros - Athens

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"Eros, come and eat." A light haired woman shouted from the side of the house as a young man with tan skin and pale curls burst out of one of the rooms in a small run to the table. "What are you, five? No running around in the house!" The woman called. "The last time I checked I was 25." Eros stated as he set in one of the chairs looking at the man in front of him as the other looked at his phone with a slight surprise.  "What is it, Bampás?" He asked his father. "The prince is England is gay." His dad said slowly. "Oh so I finally have a chance to be the princess of England." He joked before realising who he just said it to. "What did you just say?" His father asked quickly. "Nothing." He answered quickly in an attempt to cover up. "Eros." He glared at his son deathly in an attempt to get out what he just said. "Fine. I am gay. What a way to come out of the closet." He said and leaned back into the chair's back. "How long do you know?" His father asked. "I always knew." He answered in what was almost a whisper. "It was quite obvious." His mother told and he quickly turned around to the kitchen, he forgot she was there. "You are not?" He asked her. "Well at six years old you complained about the fact that all the other boys are doing is to talk about girls all the time, so I am not in such a shock." She said. "Or how you had a whole week at four years old talking only about how pretty Aladdin is." His father added. "O Theé Mou! I never noticed how similar he is to Niko!" He called out. "Niko? That boy that comes by all the time to play video games with you?" His father asked. "Well that's not the only thing we do.." Eros smirked. "Ero!" His mother called. "So is he your boyfriend?" He father questioned. "Naí." He answered. "Well who wants dinner?" His mom asked as she brought a bowl of Tzatziki and a tray with Lamb Shanks and set down next to her husband in the small round table.
The three set together in the table after this absurd occurrence like nothing just happened. But Eros couldn't help smile to himself, knowing tomorrow he could invite Niko to a dinner with them without acting as if he was just his friend.
And it felt amazing.

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