Mei - Tokyo

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"Hear this," Kenji told her, tucking a strand of his blue hair behind his ear before starting to read from his phone. "Alex, I can't think of a single other way to start this email except to say, and I do hope you will forgive both my language and my utter lack of restraint: You are so fucking beautiful.
I've been useless for a week, driven around for appearances and meetings, lucky if l've made a single meaningful contribution to any of them. How is a man to get anything done knowing Alex Claremont-Diaz is out there on the loose? I am driven to distraction.
It's all bloody useless because when I'm not thinking about your face, I'm thinking about your arse or your hands or your smart mouth." After he finished reading the paragraph he looked Mei purely ecstatic with the letters and Mei smirked at her friend. "It's just so not fair!" Kenji complained. "They have each other and I need to watch Asuka walking around with her stupid face being so beautiful, knowing I could never have her." She added to her friend's complain before glancing at the girl behind her, long beach waves and slightly tan skin, so unusual against the ordinary look of girls in their city. "I bet she likes you. Just tell her." Kenji said nudging her shoulder. "Yeah right." She said and with that the teacher entered the class.
Mei lived right next to Asuka so they usually walked home together, chatting. "Mei I need to tell you something!" Asuka suddenly called as she stopped in her tracks, making Mei stop in surprise as well. "How do you even see anything with those bangs, they are so long." Asuka smirked as she observed at Mei, looking directly into her eyes. "That is what you wanted to say?" Mei questioned. "No.. well... I like you." Asuka blurted out. Mei knew she was blushing as it was completely uncontrollable. "Oh." She said in a whisper, nearly even opening her mouth. "Same." She added in that same quiet tone. "What is that supposed to mean?" Asuka asked as her eyes widened, her head slightly tilting. "I like you too." Mei said as she returned to her walking—Asuka stayed still for a second or so, thunder struck, before catching up to Mei. "Why now?" Mei asked her. "The emails, it just showed me that I don't need to be afraid about it." Asuka explained, looking up to see Mei's expression. Mei grinned at the other girl before bringing up the next subject. She could not be more glad that Asuka was brave enough for both of them.
Later that night she could not sleep all night, excited about the next day.

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