Nikola - Kiev

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Nikola saw the about letters on TV, his parents were horrified, a gay prince, what an abomination. He looked at himself in the mirror of the bathroom and started to cry, sob really. He knew that no matter what he did, he could never come out to them, being bisexual was awful in their eyes than gay? Having no chance to have kids, they would send him to conversion therapy—that is what they said the prince should do, why would they not do it to their own son. Ever since it's been a week and Nikola wasn't the same, everything seem so dull to him everywhere he went. That mental state started to affect his life in everything—socially, physically, educationally. "Nikola could you come with me?" A woman asked leaning on the door frame, she just came like that in the middle of his history class. He looked worried at his friend who set next to him and the friend nudged him to move. She walked him to a small room with two couches, and a little table with tissue and candy jar. "Nikola, is everything ok?" The woman asked, she was a stiff woman, tall and skinny but something in her looked very heavy—in her eyes specifically. "Why wouldn't it?" He returned the question with his own, smiling softly, putting an act. "Nikola, I'm not dumb. This last week, something changed. But what?" She tilted her head towards him as she lifted her glasses to the top of her forehead. "Nothing." He insisted. "Nikola." She insisted back. "Why do you even care?" He huffed as he pushed down against his seat. "Because it's my job to care. What happened Nikola?" She leaned forward as she questioned. "I'm gay!" He snapped at her—all she did is lean back in her seat and look at the blond boy, examining but to his surprise not judging. "And what is the problem?" She simply asked, as if he had done nothing wrong—which he really didn't but he did not know that it wasn't wrong. All of his life he was raised to believe that loving man was wrong, but suddenly someone showed other wise. "My brother is bi and a transgender and it's just ok, it's fine. He didn't do anything wrong being who he is." She told him with a small grin as his eyes widened in slight shock. "But my parents always talked about what a sin it is." He said shaking. "As a school councillor I am not supposed to say it, but милый, they are wrong." She said with a small grin and Nikola sighed in relief. For the first time this week—in the first time in years actually, he felt ok being who he is. And nothing felt better than that.

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