Naomi, Ariel and Ori - Tel Aviv

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"Omg turn on the news right now!" Naomi shouted from the kitchen as she run to the living room, it was about 8 pm. "What happen?" Ori shouted from the couch as he turned on Netflix. "Bubi, I said news! Chanel 12!" She protested with excitement as she crushed into the old couch. "God Naomi, calm down and shut up!" Ariel said as she came to the living room from the shower, drying her hair. "Shush!" Naomi returned dramatically, making her boyfriend next to her smirk.
"Good evening, while we would usually start the news with our own stories before moving to stories abroad today would be an exception." Yonit Levi started as she read from her card. "Elad Simchayoff in London and Yuna Leibzon in New York would join us in the following minutes." She continued, her eyes widened slightly as she breathed in before resuming. "Emails leaked from the white house's private server reveal a romantic relationship between Alex Claremont Díaz, the first son and Prince Henry of Wales. The two were considered as rivals not long ago as they destroyed a 75k worth cake in the royal wedding of Prince Philip in what seem at the time to be a heated fight between the two. Now to Elad, in London..." The three looked at the TV stunned as Yonit continued now with other reporters and commentators as well. "Prince Henry is gay?" Ariel said in pure shock. "I guess so?" She said, surprised her voice even came out "Open your phone I want to read it, I bet it's mostly a far fetched speculation." Neoni stated. "No, I have it in front of my eyes and I can assure, it's really based." Ariel said, struggling to not crackup and laugh. "Give me that." Ori said and swiftly took the phone from the other girl's hand. "Here is one from ," Ori started and leaned into his shoulder as he started reading. "Alex,
It is, indeed, bullshit. It's all I can do not to pack a bag and be gone forever. Perhaps I could live in your room like a recluse. You could have food sent up for me, and I'll be lurking in disguise in a shadowy corner when you answer the door. It'll all be very dreadfully Jane Eyre.
The Mail will write mad speculations about where I've gone, if I've offed myself or vanished to St. Kilda, but only you and I will know that I'm just sprawled in your bed, reading books and feeding myself profiteroles and making love to you endlessly until we both expire in a haze of chocolate sauce. It's how I'd want to go." Ori let out a little huff of laughter and Ariel who was now in the kitchen smirked widely at her own words. "Well Neomi, how far fetched?" She said as she leaned on the door frame. "Quiet, you live here rent free until I get pregnant, you wouldn't want to risk that." She threatened jokingly at her best friend. "To continue?" Ori asked. "Of course!" Naomi acted out. "I'm afraid, though, I'm stuck here. Gran keeps asking Mum when I'm going to enlist, and did I know Philip had already served a year by the time he was my age. I do need to figure out what I'm going to do, because I'm certainly closing in on the end of what's an acceptable amount of time for a gap year. Please do keep me in your -what is it American politicians say?-thoughts and prayers.
Austin sounds brilliant. Maybe in a few months, after things settle down a bit? I could take a long weekend. Can we visit your mum's house? Your room? Do you still have your lacrosse trophies? Tell me you still have posters up. Let me guess: Han Solo, Barack Obama, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The next part I am going to give up because it is a response to a joke from the previous email we would probably not understand, capish?" Ori asked after he is done reading this. "Go on to the ending." Ariel approved. "I have thought more about coming out to my family, which is part of why I'm staying here for now. Bea has offered to be there when I tell Philip if I want, so I think I will. Again, thoughts and prayers.
I love you terribly, and I want you back here soon. I need your help picking a new bed for my room; l've decided to get rid of that gold monstrosity.
Yours, Henry." Ori finished. "Bubi, you are the judge, are they dating?" He asked is girlfriend. "Yes. Definitely. And you better write your wedding vows as poetic as their letters." Naomi smiled, the hot air of June in this country and all kinds of people walking underneath her window, half of them drunk or high-but she loved this place, it had this touch of beauty in chaos. The next day people down the street organised a small March in support of Henry and Alex and she watched it from underneath her window before going downstairs with her boyfriend and participating in it too.
It was amazing and she would never forget, how in this chaotic country with such fights and disagreements within it, people in the end chose to do right-not the she surprised, it was their essence. That's how people work. All over the world.

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