Across The World

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"I was thinking..." Alex started as he put his hands around Henry's neck, its been about a year since the emails were leaked, now they live together in Boston. "As you usually do." Henry joked and planted a kiss on Alex's forearm. "Oh come on! How can I concentrate with you being like that?" Alex said as he pretended to be oppset. Henry smiled and turned around slightly in his boyfriend's hands, acting as if he has not idea what Alex was even talking about. "Like what?" He asked with a small smirk hiding behind a questioning look. "Perfect." Alex stated and put his chin over the other's shoulder. "Anyway, I was going through Twitter—" he started. "Which you should never do." The blonde cut off. "You rarely shut up, do you?" He tilted his head to the other and planted a swift kiss on his cheek before returning to his position on continuing. "People have some amazing stories about when they found out about us, this guy for example; Matteo, 42, married to Bianca—" He started. "Oh so he is not gay?" Henry asked. "Surprisingly, no, that is what so amazing about his story. His wife's brother is Carlos Rossi." He said and something is Henry's eyes shifted. "He was murdered while being on a date with his boyfriend, 2001." Henry said. "Exactly. When the emails were leaked and the response was positive it made Bianca return to those memories and decided to do something. She opened a community for people to share their stories to get the positive response we got and feel confident to come out in their life. There are so many amazing stories there." Alex told with enthusiasm and as he finished Henry turned in his arm to face him. "That is quite amazing actually." Henry said. "I know, just think about it, so many stories. We could—and should invite some of them to talk with us. We could even broadcast it live." Alex said. "Think of the impact!" He told the taller before taking one of his hand off him to grab his phone. "I have the first eight stories in mind." He said scrolling through his notes. "Matteo and Bianca." Alex started as he settled on a specific note and started to read from it. "Obviously." Henry added.
"Steve and Mia, two roommates, Steve lost his boyfriend to cancer at the young age of twenty. Him and Mia created a charity organisation for the family and partners of cancer patient to help them through the treatments and after the passing away of their loved one. When the emails were leaked Steve decided to create another foundation for Queer Teens, educating about sexuality and gender in a healthy way in schools all over America." Alex said, before looking up from his phone to see Henry with an encouraging reaction.
"Nikola, Eros and Ivy. Ukraine, Greece and England. Three coming out stories of teen. Nikola came out to his parents and got a negative reaction, but was able to go to a shelter of your foundation, with the help of a school consultant, that later took him in. Eros and Ivy told their parents and got a positive reaction, those two stories can talk about the fear of coming out which is much worse than the reality of coming out in today's society.
Naomi, Ariel and Ori from Tel Aviv. Under their apartment there were parades and protests for lgbtq+ rights ever since they moved in and even before but they chose not to participate. After the leak they started to participate in activities on this and other subjects as well—it made them express themselves and give a hand for change.
Mei in Tokyo, her girlfriend got the courage to come out to her which ultimately got them together.
Louise and Blaise in Paris got the courage to come out as a couple. Two young love stories, everyone love those. And there are so many more!" Alex said. "Love, it sounds amazing." Henry smiled at him. "Sure, let's do it." He added before hugging him tightly. "Make some more history, huh?" The Brit smirked and the brunette huffed in his hair.
And they did. And it was broadcast all over the world, once again the two made history, with nothing but love. Now where else can you find something like that?

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