Bianca and Matteo - Rome

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"Did you see the letters?" Bianca asked as Matteo entered the door. "We ditched the arrival greetings?" He asked her, brushing his hand through his auburn hair as he smirked at his wife. "Mio Caro, it's amazing." She said as she put her blond curls in a sloppy ponytail before heading to the kitchen. "I know," he said, following her. "Look at the support of people. Why couldn't it be like that twenty years ago?" She asked shakily as he wrapped his hands around her, putting his chin on her shoulder. "People need time to evolve." He said. "It won't bring my brother back." She whispered as tears started to stream down her cheeks. "I know Mi Amor." He kissed her neck softly. "He was murdered for being a in love, and he loved a man, that was his crime." She said as her legs stopped holding her in place and knees almost hitting the floor if Mateo would not be there to stop her from crashing down as she sobbed. He lowered her to the floor slowly and let her sit in his lap as she sobbed into his chest. In one hand he caressed her hair softly while in the other he opened his phone and started reading to her. "Thinking about history makes me wonder how I'll fit into it one day, I guess. And you too. The first son of the United States said and I'll tell you this Cara Mia; Carlo will forever fit in history as on of the best people. Remember how it was after his murder? People all over the world protested and marched to honour his memory." He kissed the top of her head before continuing. "You lost a brother, but what it did to the world is irreplaceable—it changed it all the way to its core. And without your brother, there is a chance those two men would not be accepted as they are now." He said. "I know." She said, finally stopping her cries. "I wish he was here to see it." She said as a mental picture of him crossed her mind as she closed her eyes. He was sitting there, head of blond curls and bright blue eyes next to a taller man with darker skin. They shared an ice cream cone threatening to melt. He seem so happy, flashed cheeks in the august heat and bright smile at the man in front of him. She held onto her husband's hand as they walked towards the two. It was such a happy day, truly and simply happy. Nothing could surpass those kind of moments of joy, its their rarity that made them that special.
"Ice cream day?" A voice said, it sounded so afar but that was reality creeping in. "Mmmh." She let out with a nod, it managed to let out a small chuckle out of her—he just knew her so very well. "I think we have some mint and chocolate chip ice cream in the fridge." He said in suggestion as she finally got up to head to the near fridge and bring the carton can of ice cream while he took out two spoons from on of their drawers.
The went to their kitchen island and set in front of each other, eating ice cream in slient with nothing but small expressions to communicate their thoughts with each other. "I love you." She broke the silence with her words. "I love you too." He said sleepily as it was already quite late. She got up from her chair and went to him, offering him a hand. "Let's get you to bed." She said with a smirk and he tilted his head to her in approval, putting the van back in the fridge before taking her hand and getting pulled to their bedroom for some good night sleep among other things.
She thought about it long after. Glad that her tragedy managed to change the world to the better and that two young boys were able to be in love because of it.

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