Louis and Blaise - Paris

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He entered math class to find an unusual situation. Everyone gathered around one person who read something from his phone, it was quite odd. "I wanna see you again and soon. I keep reading that one paragraph over and over again. You know which one. I want you back here with me. I want your body and I want the rest of you too.
And I want to get the fuck out of this house." It was in English which surprised him even more. "What is going on here?" The ginger said causing everyone to look at him as if he is really dumb. "You did not see?" His friend asked him. "See what exactly." Another girl tilted his head and Louis was starting to be certain he went mad or something as such. "The emails." A girl said. "Between the prince of England and the son of the US president." The guy with the phone stated as if it was obvious. "Why would I care about them?" He narrowed his eyes the the guy holding the phone—Blaise, a charming brunette with a bright smile, the two are dating for almost a year now, not that anyone knows because they are both deep in the closet (they actually did it once in a closet, ironically). "They are gay." Blaise smirked at him and Louis let out an almost hysterical roar of laughter. "Merde!" He called in surprise causing everyone to laugh at his reaction before he scooted next to everyone to continue reading the letters until the teacher came and set them off.
Later that day he met up with Blaise in their hideout just before Blaise's football practice and his tennis one that happened at the same time. "What is your favourite chocolate?" Blaise asked as Louis already started to kiss his jaw and down his neck. "Random. Well really dark—95% cocoa chocolate, like when it's almost completely black in its colour." He said as he kissed Blaise behind his ear, knowing it's the one spot that could really affect him. "So basically me." Blaise said causing Louis to give him a little bite on the tip of his ear, which caused Blaise to gasp loudly. "But really, what is your thing with bitterness." Blaise joked and Louis didn't even bother to look up—it was always like that, one of them talking—mostly none sense, as the other simply could not keep his hands off. "I want to come out." Blaise said as he looked at the ceiling, causing Louis to stop in his tracks in surprise and back off from his boyfriend, leaning on the wall behind him. "It's because of the letters, right?" Louis's eyes softened. "You know what the thing is, with gay guys like us?" Blaise sighed. "They either come out on their own terms or they are forced out without their consent and will." Blaise said as he slowly got closer to his boyfriend who soon wrapped him in a tight hug, nuzzling in the neck as Blaise kissed his finger curls. "Tomorrow, let's just walk hand in hand. Let's just be a couple. What do you say?" Louis suggested. "Sounds good." Blaise returned as he huffed into the other's hair in relief.
As usual the two of them had different classes in the start of the day, as in every Wednesday, but then the first break came, just before English class which they shared and the two met each other in the corridors as they headed to the cafeteria. "Hey." Louis said as he raised an eyebrow towards the other with a smirk. "Just give me your hand, chéri." He said as he caught the others palm in his, causing the other to hold onto his arm with both hands, wrapping the other around the taller's arm. "Want to come sit with my friends are do you want to eat just the two of us?" Blaise asked after the two grabbed their meals—Blaise with a salad and vegan burger and Louis with a sandwich and soup. Blaise knew his boyfriend was not exactly the social person and was ready to give up on this meal with his friends to not let Louis stay in his own. "Let's eat with your friends, why not?" Louis said and Blaise's eyes brightened. "Really?" He said in slight hidden excitement causing the other smirk.
The two went to the table, the fullest table in the school, football team and their girlfriends—Louis always joked about being Blaise's 'football girlfriend'. "Hey Blaise and I want to say... Henry?" Louis smirked as he set down next to Blaise who gave his friend—his best friend actually, a death glare. "Louis." He smiled awkwardly and the other nodded quickly with an added "Noted," to it.
"So what are you doing in our table?" The friend asked Louis—not in a bad or angry manner, more interested, but turning to Blaise who seemed something between pissed and stressed he narrowed his eyes to his friend, unable to understand his behaviour. Blaise looked at his plate and started to slice his bun-less burger—Louis to put a hand on his thigh to try and calm him which worked as Blaise's took a deep breath and looked at his friend, noticing a few other members of the team and their girlfriends noticed to weird occurrence. "He is my boyfriend." He said she he looked back down and take a bite of his burger. "Hey, I'm Louis." Louis said to the rest of the table with a small smile before turning back to his boyfriend who finally breathed well since they set next to this table. "Cool, I'm Pierre. So how did you meet?" The best friend told as some also greeted Louis and others returned to their businesses unbothered. "Well actually this guy snuck a letter into my math book.." Louis started to tell as he leaned his head on Blaise's shoulder and Blaise just smirked before starting to defend himself against all the embarrassing stories Louis would probably blurb out from now on.
This was everything, everything he needed in his life, everything he wanted, everything he loved. And he could not be happier.

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