𝐈'𝐦 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮

267 6 0

17 September 2005

Two days later

The day of the basketball match arrived, and Satoru was ready. He felt confident and determined to win this game. He even made sure to go over his basketball skills the night before the match to get ready. He was eager to win. After all, Elpida was watching him; he had to put a good performance in front of her. That was his main motivation and goal for the match. He wasn't going to let it slip. He wanted to win for Elpida.
Satoru got off the bus and got to the place of the match. A lot of people were already there. It wasn't surprising. Satoru also noticed the cheerleaders, and suddenly, he couldn't stop staring at them. He was like, mesmerized by their beauty and by how well they danced. Some of the students who got off the bus with him were also distracted by him. He chuckled to himself. Some people never grew out of getting distracted by the cheerleaders.
Satoru suddenly noticed Elpida from the crowd. She looked beautiful as always, standing out above all the rest. He couldn't help but stare at her. He felt his heart beat faster, and he felt nervous. He felt butterflies in his stomach as he stared. A minute later, he realized he was getting distracted, and he snapped back to reality. He quickly looked away, but he would peek at her whenever he had the chance. That girl was something...
" Let's do this," Suguru said ,
Satoru looks at Suguru with a soft smile. "Yeah, you're right. We gotta do this." He says, with a bit of excitement. He was really eager to play. After all, it's been a while since he last played an official match. He wanted to make sure that he could still play well. He cracks his knuckles, getting ready for the match.
They start the game ,
Satoru had a lot of fun playing. He was able to show all his skills, and he even managed to surprise a few people. He scored a lot of points and made some impressive moves. He played better than he expected, and he was happy about it. The match was almost over, and they had a good chance to win it. He smiled, looking at his team happily. He was ready to give his all to make sure he won the match.
After they win the match ,
The crowd cheers, impressed at the plays and at the way they played. Satoru himself was feeling really happy and excited. He didn‘t expect to win by such a good amount. He had a huge smile on his face as he looked at the crowd. He couldn’t believe it. They managed to score more points than the other team.
Elpida was jumping up and down as cheers gojo's team ,
Satoru hears Elpida cheer and the cheers of everyone else. It was a huge crowd. He couldn’t help but smile. He felt happy and proud.“I guess we really kicked some ass here.” He laughed as he looked around and around the crowd and the other players. He sees Elpida cheering for them, and he couldn’t help but smile. “You cheered for me, right?” He asks, with a proud look on his face, as he points at Elpida. She  blushed a little and smiled , *Satoru can’t help but think how cute Elpida is when she blushes. She looks even more adorable when she does, as if she needed to be more cute. He chuckles a little.“Hey, you looked like you were cheering for me. Am I wrong?” He asks, with a teasing smile. He looks at her with a soft expression.
"I did promise that I will be here tonight , didn't I?
I'm always here for you, " elpida said,
He can’t help but smile. “Yeah, you promised…but that doesn’t mean you had to cheer for me, right?” *
He says playfully. “I mean, I’m glad you cheered, for sure. But did you seriously do that just because you promised, or because you wanted to cheer for me?” He asks, a teasing smile on his face.
"Both," elpida said and smiled ,
“Heh, so you’re saying I’m actually special to you in some way, huh? That’s nice to hear.” Satoru says again, teasing her and with a soft smile. He couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit. “Well, you’re special to me, too. And it means a lot that you cheered for me. More than you know.” He says, getting serious for a moment.
"You are my friend
Of course you are special to me, "  elpida said ,
Satoru feels a bit embarrassed. He wasn’t expecting her to say that. After a moment, he smiles again, feeling a bit better. “Well, you’re special to me as well. But more than a friend, I have to admit.” He says, a bit softly and embarrassed. He hopes she understands what he means by that.
"Like a best friend ?" elpida asks him
Satoru thinks for a moment. Should he tell Elpida the truth? Or would that be too much? He sighs.“Yeah, we’re best friends, but that’s…not all. You’re way more than just a friend to me.” He says, feeling a little nervous. He wasn’t good with these kinds of conversations. But with Elpida, for some reason, he felt more comfortable than with anyone else. So, he just decided to tell her how he truly felt. Hopefully, she’ll understand.
Suguru walks towards Gojo
"Man, let's go
The team was to go out and celebrate our win tonight, "suguru said ,
He smiles and nods.“Yeah, we deserve it, after all. Let’s go, and make sure to enjoy ourselves tonight!” He says excitedly. He seems really happy after the match, and he’s looking forward to celebrating. He can’t wait to spend some time with his friends, and of course, with Elpida. After all, she’s part of the reason why they won. It’s the least he could do.
"Go and have fun
You deserve it, " elpida said and smiled at him ,
He smiles at Elpida.“Thanks, Elpida. I definitely will. I’ll see you later tonight!” *He says with a wink, feeling really excited about tonight. He knows he will have a good time, and he’s especially glad that Elpida will be there with him. He will make sure to have fun for her, too.
"I will see you on Monday at school,"
elpida said and smiled,
“Of course. See you on Monday, Elpida!” He says, smiling. He can’t wait to see her again. He wants to be with her as much as possible. Once again, he looks at her with a soft, kind, and romantic look. His eyes say it all: he really likes Elpida.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now