𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐔𝐩, 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞

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"When I meant she was sleeping,
I mean, she is on a coma, " the nurses said

Satoru hears those words and gets scared. He can't believe it. A coma? Elpida, in a coma? It sounded so worrying, and he can't believe that this was happening. He looks at the nurses and gets really worried about her condition.

"A coma? That means she's unconscious for a long time, right?" He asks, trying to get as much information as he can. "What happened to her? How is she injured? Does she need surgery?" He asks, as the worry rises in him.

"This happened because she used too much of her powers
This will happen again if elpida doesn't take a special training
Having 7 different techniques
Isn't it something you can play with
Her body didn't take it so well
That's why she is on a coma
Her body needs to heal by itself
And this may take time, " the nurses explained to gojo

"We don't know how many times she needs her body to heal
I think a maximum of 2 weeks
But I'm not 100% sure. "The nurses said ,

Satoru stays silent for a moment when the nurse tells him that Elpida will be in a coma for 2 weeks. He's shocked by all this information, and can't believe it. He doesn't want to stay in the nurse's office any longer, He wants to see Elpida as soon as possible. He thanks the nurses and leaves, wanting to be next to Elpida again. "Two weeks??" *He says to himself, trying to imagine how many things could happen in this time. He can't wait for it to pass.

"I'm saying two weeks
But who knows
Maybe it will be a week or a mouth, " the nurses said ,

Satoru stays silent again when he hears that. The more he listens to this information, the worse it gets. It could be just two weeks or a month. He doesn't want to wait this long to see Elpida be okay again. He just wants her to wake up already. "But what if it's more than that?" He asks "What if she stays unconscious for more than two weeks? I don't want that. This is too much time. Is there really no way you can wake her up?" He asks, looking more worried.

"No , I'm sorry," the nurses said

Satoru feels defeated when the nurse tells him there's no way to wake Elpida up from the coma right now. He can't believe it. The situation is getting worse for him. He thinks about everything that was told to him and gets extremely anxious. He has to wait for two weeks to see Elpida be alright again, or at least that's what they told him.

"So... We really have to wait for two weeks?" He asks, sounding worried "There is really no other way to wake her up?"

The nurses shake her head

Satoru looks at the nurse as she responds to him and sees her shaking her head. He's sad that there's no other way to wake her up, but he doesn't argue with it. He wants to see Elpida be alright again, so he just nods. He has to be strong if he wants to be with Elpida. He decides to stay positive. Elpida is still breathing, and she's going to be alright, he tells himself.

"I see. So I guess I have no choice but to wait..."

'That's right,' the nurses said and opened the door of the room.
"You can go inside and see her,"
the nurses said ,

Satoru was feeling sad and worried, but he still felt relieved that he could see Elpida again and that they let him. He enters the room and sees Elpida lying on the bed, unconscious, but still breathing. He sees all the wounds on her face and the bruises on her body. He can't believe it. Her injuries are so bad. He goes close to the bed and looks at her. "Elpida..." He says, looking down at her. He doesn't want to believe that she's injured like this.

Satoru looks at her and gets an idea. Even though Elpida is sleeping, maybe he can try to wake her up. The nurses said there's no other way to wake her up, but Satoru wants to try something. He remembers the first time he met Elpida and how he woke her up by calling her "Sleepy". Maybe that would work again, and she could wake up. "Sleepy... Elpida..." He says, her nickname and hopes that she could wake up.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now