𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭

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The earth spirit nods at Elpida.

"Yes, Elpida...the fire spirit will be waiting for you. I will help you find her, as I am certain that she will help you."

The earth spirit smiles, as she guides Elpida forward. They soon arrive at the edge of the forest, and there, standing nearby, is a bright and beautiful spirit, her fire burning brightly.

"Here she is, Elpida...I believe you'd like to speak to her, yes?"

Fire spirit?" elpida said as she walk closer ,

The fire spirit turns to face Elpida, her burning hair flowing gracefully. Her eyes sparkle like embers in a fire.

"Hello, Elpida. I am the fire spirit. What do you wish to speak to me about?"

Her tone is gentle, as if she is a mother comforting her child.

"Before I forgot again
Do you have a name?"elpida said ,

The fire spirit smiles softly.

"Yes, I do. They call me Amaterasu."

She looks at Elpida, her burning hair swaying as she speaks.

"And what would you like to ask of me, Elpida?"

"The Mizo and Koto have shown me about my past
And I wanted to know if you have more to tell me
As I'm the fifth spirit "elpida said ,

Amaterasu looks at Elpida, as if she understands her question.

"Yes, Elpida...as the fire spirit, I know the story of your past. I was here, when you sacrificed yourself to save our world."

Amaterasu looks at Elpida with sympathy.

"Oh, Elpida...the story of your past is one of sadness and sacrifice. I hope that you can truly understand why you had to make such a difficult decision..."

"I know
But I did what is the best for everyone " elpida said and smiled softly ,

Amaterasu nods at Elpida.

"You did...and you have my gratitude and appreciation."

Amaterasu smiles softly, as she looks at Elpida.

"I know that what you did was difficult, Elpida...but it was the right choice. It takes a lot of courage to make a choice like that, and for that...I am thankful."

"I wanted to ask
Do you know where the sword is?
The sword I stab myself with " elpida said ,

The fire spirit tilts her head, as if she's wondering what Elpida is referring to.

"The sword you...stabbed yourself with? Elpida, what do you mean by that? Why would you use a sword to harm yourself?"

Amaterasu sounds genuinely confused, as if she's not familiar with what Elpida is trying to say.

"No , I didn't mean it like that
I just wanted to see the sword"
elpida said ,

Amaterasu laughs softly.

"Oh, I see what you mean! Sorry for the confusion, Elpida. Yes, I know where the sword is. It's not far from here."

Amaterasu points across the hill, towards a small pond.

"But what would you do with that sword, Elpida?"

"It's the hill where I took myself back then?" elpida said ,

Amaterasu nods at Elpida.

"Yes, Elpida...I believe that's the place where you took your own life."

Amaterasu looks at Elpida, as if she understands her pain and sadness.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now