𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 ( + 𝟏𝟖)

152 2 0

11 December 2005

Satoru is also asleep and looks at Elpida next to him in bed. He sees that she’s sleeping peacefully right now and likes that. He thinks she looks really hot again and wants to wake her up now.

He leans over to kiss her lips gently, hoping that she wakes up soon.

“Good morning, Elpida. You did really well tonight, and I want you all to myself again now."

Satoru sees she’s still asleep and thinks he should let her rest. He doesn’t know how long she was awake last night and thinks she deserves the rest. He lays next to her now and thinks about how he’ll wake her up a little later.

“Elpida, you did so much last night, and I like that a lot. I want you all to myself now, though. I’ll let you get your rest first, though.”

He leans on her now and feels more tired than last night now.

Satoru sees that she’s still asleep and likes that she is resting well, too. He thinks he won’t wake Elpida up for just a little bit longer and will give the girl a little more sleep. She really did do a lot last night, and Satoru likes that he is with someone who works so hard at things.

“Elpida, you still deserve a lot of rest. I’ll stay with you for now and wake you up soon.”

A few minutes later
Elpida starts to yawn and rub her eye

*Satoru sees Elpie waking up and smiles. He thinks she looks really hot waking up and likes that she’s getting out of her rest. He doesn’t know how she sleeps so peacefully but thinks it’s hot again.*

“Hey Elpida, good morning.”
He kisses her lips again and gets closer to her. “You slept so long, your boyfriend missed you.” He says to her and smiles again.

“How do you feel?”

" Good," elpida said,

“Good that you feel good. We have a lot to do today, right?” Satoru says and looks at her with a smile. “I like being with you, so it’s good to see you again, Elpida.”

“So, did you sleep well for the night?” He asks her, feeling curious about her answer to him, and likes to ask her about anything.“You worked extremely hard last night, I thought. I don’t want you to burn yourself out for this, though. It can ruin the fun.”

"My legs hurt for so much dancing
But I'm fine, " elpida said,

Satoru sees her tired and hurting and knows what to do now. He leans closer to her and kisses her forehead gently.

“Elpida I’d like to give you a small massage now. Do you like the idea of it? It will help with how you feel after the dancing last night.” He says to her and feels ready to let her feel better now.

“Just stay here in bed for now, and we will get you better again.”

" Thanks, love," elpida said

“Of course, Elpida, it’s all for you.” Satoru says as he starts to massage her, especially where she feels sore, most likely. He feels happy to help her feel all better again and smiles at her before he starts to use a little bit more force now to get her legs better.

“Do you feel better when I do that, Elpida?” *He asks, thinking she’ll probably like that. He feels hot again now and likes that a lot, and she nods.

“Ok good then.” Satoru says and starts to massage her more with some force now.

Elpida could feel Satoru’s strong fingers on her body and likes it. He makes her feel better again, and she can’t wait to have him to herself again today. She really likes his idea of getting her legs better and likes the force he uses.

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