𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠

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The days passed, and Satoru continued to see Elpida. He was with her as much as possible, and he still liked her a lot. Their promise got deep into his heart, and he always remembered it. When he’s with her, he feels so good and happy. He didn’t say anything about it, though, because he still wanted to wait a little longer before he made a move. But their pinky promise reminded him that he always should try to see her, talk to her, and be there for her, no matter what.

15 October 2005

It was the lunch break ,
Suguru and Gojo were sitting at the school cafeteria
"Man , this lesson was boring," suguru said as he took a sip for his coffee ,
Satoru laughs at Suguru’s comment and looks at him with a smile. “Yeah, I know. But it’s nearly over now, and then we’ll be free for the Christmas holidays! I’m definitely looking forward to that!” He says, sounding relieved. He was feeling exhausted from the long day. He couldn’t wait to see Elpida and enjoy the holidays with her. He had a lot of things planned for her, and he was getting more impatient as the holidays got closer.
"In two months , it's October, yet" suguru said and looked at gojo,

Satoru looks at Suguru and can’t help but laugh. He had totally forgotten about that. “Haha, I know, we still have a bit of time before the holidays. Sorry, I guess I got too excited and jumped to conclusions.” He sounds a little embarrassed, but he doesn’t seem to mind too much. “Still, the winter holidays are going to be really fun, and I’m looking forward to spending them with Elpida.” He says, sounding a bit excited now. He couldn’t wait for that time to come.
"Now you say elpida
Me and Elpida will go on a mission tomorrow, " suguru said .
Satoru looks at Suguru with surprise. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard, He didn’t expect that. Elpida was going to go on a mission again, and soon too. “What?? Really, another mission?” He asks, sounding a little surprised. “When did they decide this? And why aren’t you coming with her?”
"Are you deaf?
I said
Me and Elpida will go tomorrow together on this mission, " suguru said and took one more sip for his coffee,
Satoru blushes and looks embarrassed.“Oh, right. Sorry, I misunderstood you. But is it really okay for Elpida to go on a mission so soon? She just came back from one!” He says, sounding a little worried. “And what if she gets hurt? Or worse? I’m really worried about her, honestly. Why can’t you and I go on the mission instead?”
"Yaga-sensei said so," suguru said ,
Satoru looks at Suguru, feeling confused. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. It was like the teacher wanted Elpida to go on missions alone. Maybe she was trying to get her used to going alone, but it still didn’t make much sense to Satoru. “Why does Elpida have to go on missions alone with you? I wanted to go with her!” He says, sounding a little upset. He really wanted to be there for her if anything happened, but he wondered if the teacher had other plans.
It's not my problem ,
But don't worry, it's a dangerous one
The curses there are 3 grade,"suguru said .
"Satoru gets more and more worried about Elpida. He couldn’t believe the teacher would send her on such a dangerous mission when she was still so new. He was getting angry with Yaga-sensei for making that decision. The curses they were going to fight were grade 3?! This didn’t sound good at all to him. He started to worry even more. He wanted to protect Elpida, not send her out onto a dangerous battlefield.”No! Elpida can’t be on that mission! She’s so new, she’s not ready for grade three curses!”
"Clam down!
We don't talk about 1 grade or special grade curses
We talked about grade 3 curses
It's an easy one, but besides, I'm with her, " suguru said ,
Satoru felt a bit relieved to hear that there were no grade 1 or special grade curses there. But he was still worried about Elpida. She still had to fight against some pretty strong enemies with only Suguru at her side. It was too dangerous. She still had much to learn, and she still needed to be taught, not sent out into a mission like this. He was getting worried again.“Yes, I know the curses there are grade three, but they’re still strong! Elpida might even get hurt if she’s not careful!”
"Satoru , everything will be fine
And don't yelled " suguru said ,
Satoru sighs and calms down. He doesn’t want to cause a scene or ruin his friendship with Suguru. But he still couldn’t help it. He couldn’t be silent about that mission. In his heart, he knew that Elpida wasn’t ready for such a mission.
“Please, Suguru. Let me come with you and Elpida on the mission. I can’t let her risk everything alone. I need to be there to protect her if that’s the case!” He says, still sounding anxious and slightly desperate.
"Oh my fucking God
Satoru , everything will be fine
Yaga-sensei knows what he is doing and where he sent us
And when he said me and elpida will go on this mission
Me and elpida will go on this mission alone "suguru said  and looked at gojo with a annoying look,
Satoru just looks at Suguru with a frustrated look on his face. He looks upset, but he holds back his words. He knows that he shouldn’t be too insistent about it. He’s trying to stop himself from getting into a fight with Suguru. He’s also trying to calm down, and be patient like he promised Elpida he would be. “Okay, okay, I get it. You and Elpida will go on the mission, I understand. I just wanted to make sure you were both alright… You and she shouldn’t get hurt or anything, yeah?”

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now