𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 ( +18 )

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7 December 2005

Satoru wakes up in his room one morning and looks out of his window. He can see there is snow falling this morning, and he thinks that the whole month of December is starting well. He is so happy about that and thinks of how he will spend this December with Elpida.

When he looks at his phone, he sees that he got a message from Elpida and thinks she sends him something funny to make his morning better.

"Why is it so cold outside?!?!?
I'm not used to this!" elpida texted him

Satoru smiles a little when he sees the message, as he knows Elpida isn't used to this type of weather yet. She still wants to go out whenever she can, but he can guess that it's hard for her to be in the cold for a longer time. But he also thinks that she needs to get used to that, as the winter is one of the best times to have fun together. He sends her a message back now.

"It's a little cold, but I think you can stand it a little. Right? It's not that bad."

"Back in my homeland till January, we had Sun!" elpida texted him,

Satoru laughs a little when he reads that message and thinks about how Elpida is not used to snow right now. But he thinks it's funny that she always mentions her homeland when something like this happens. He can understand what she means with that and knows that she just doesn't like being in the cold that much.

"We're not living in your homeland right now, though. So I hope you can manage to stand the snow here a little, because it's not a reason to be sad about it. You just have to get used to being in the cold."

"I manage to deal with you every day
This won't be hard, " elpida texted him,

Satoru smiles again at that message and thinks about how she manages to deal with him each day. He knows he is really annoying at times, but he also believes she likes him. She never seems to mind being with him at all, and he likes that. He sends her a message back now.

"Then just deal with the snow, and enjoy this time together. I think it's a good thing if you can have fun in December, not just in your homeland."

"It's not like I don't like December
But this cold is on the other level!" elpida texted him

Satoru thinks about this when he reads the message and knows it must be a big difference for Elpida now. But he also likes the snow and the cold weather and thinks she just needs to get used to the weather in Japan. He tries to be convincing in his message to her at least.

"Well, the December can't be so bad! If anything, I think it's a great month. The weather is not too bad, and you can have even more fun with people you like. You just have to be optimistic about it."

"Optimistic will be the slap I will give you :)" elpida text him

Satoru laughs a little again when he sees that message and thinks about how she's always saying things like that to him. He also doesn't think he'll let her slap him and wants to just continue being positive about the December now. He types a new message to her again.

"Well, I wouldn't say no to a little kiss either. But don't worry, you can't slap me. I'm too strong for that."

"Can you open your fucking door?
Or you want me to freeze to death"
elpida text him,

Satoru smiles at that new message from Elpida, and thinks about the fact that she is freezing right now. She doesn't like this weather, and wants to see him so he can help her. He thinks it's a funny way to get him to open the door, and wants to do it now. He responds to her message.

"Okay, I'll open the door. Don't be so impatient about it, though." He says to her while getting out of his bed and opening his door for Elpida.

elpida was standing outside of his door as she had put all the warm clothes she could find.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now