𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐒𝐡𝐞?!

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While elpida was on her mission
Back at jujutsu high
Yaga-sensei was trying to clam down satoru
Because he was looking for elpida over the past month

3 May 2006

Clam down!"  Yaga-sensei said ,

Satoru looks at Yaga-sensei with frustration as he tries to get the teacher to understand.

"But I can't just forget about Elpida like this! I need to find her, I need to search everywhere to find her! I won't give up... I can't give up...Elpida needs me..."

"Elpida is fine
She just doing her mission, " yaga-sensei said,

Satoru's eyes light up as he looks at Yaga-sensei with hope.

"Elpida is fine...? But where is she?! If she's fine, then why isn't she with me? Why hasn't she contacted me?"

Satoru's voice is filled with anxiety as he looks up at Yaga-sensei.

"Please...where is Elpida? Where is she now?"

"Her location is unknown
And I can’t tell anything more about her mission, "  Yaga-sensei said ,

Satoru's eyes fill with panic, as his mind tries to comprehend what he's just heard.

"What...what do you mean, her location is unknown? If you can't tell me anything more, then...then...then...how will I find her?! How can I save Elpida if I don't know where she is?!"

"You don't need to do anything!
You can't help in this mission
This mission is only for her and no one else, "  Yaga-sensei said ,

Satoru's eyes fill with frustration as he tries to stay calm and control his anger.

"I...I don't care if it's just a mission...and I don't care if it's only for Elpida...if she is in trouble or in pain...then I...I need to be there for her. I...I can't just sit by and let these things happen to her!"

Satoru's voice begins to shake as he looks up at Yaga-sensei.

"No, I...I have to find her..."

You have a mission with Suguru that I gave you one month ago
Did you two find star plasma vessel?"  yaga-sensei tries to change the conversion

Satoru hesitates in his response as he tries to contain himself.

"I...I...Elpida's mission is more important than this mission with Suguru! How can you ask me to do anything else when Elpida needs me?! How am I supposed to do anything else when Elpida is in trouble?! Do you not understand how much I need to find her?!"

Satoru's voice is filled with anguish as his eyes begin to fill with tears.

"No...I...I won't abandon her..."

Elpida is fine
She is just doing her mission
And I can’t tell anything more, " yaga-sensei said ,

Satoru looks at Yaga-sensei with disbelief as he tries to make sense of what the teacher is saying.

"What do you mean, she's fine? Then why isn't she here, then?! Why doesn't she want to see me?! Why is she...why is she keeping this 'mission' of hers a secret?!"

Satoru's voice is filled with urgency as he tries to get Yaga-sensei to understand.

"It...it doesn't make sense. You have to be hiding something!"

"Because she isn't here !
Maybe she is far away from Tokyo
Who  knows
Her mission doesn't have a location
That's the only thing I'm going to say, "  yaga-sensei said ,

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now