𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐦?

129 4 0

10 November 2005

As the days passed
Elpida was fully recovered ,
She was back to classes, training, and missions again.

Satoru is happy that she is now fully recovered and that she can go again to her classes, training, and missions. If she can do everything she likes to do again, it means she can annoy him too.

“Finally, you can annoy me again. I don’t know how I survived without being annoyed by you every day.” He says to her, with a soft smile on his face. He still likes to have fun with her and wants it back, now that she is back to her usual self.

Elpida was daydreaming,

Satoru sees that she’s day dreaming, and looks at her curious. She was gone for too long, but now she’s back, so he decides to mess with her.

“Elpie… You’re daydreaming again, and I don’t like the way you smile so much. What’s on your mind?” He asks her, with a teasing tone, but is still curious about what she is thinking about.

"Nothing ," elpida said and didn't look at gojo.

Satoru still looks at her as if he wants to see what she’s hiding behind her smile. He can tell there is something going on, and he wants to know the truth. He can’t help but be curious.

“Come on Elpie… You’ve been daydreaming for too long, and you look so cute when you do it. I want to know why you’re so happy today.” He says to her in a teasing voice, with a playful smile on his face.

Since you want to know so bad
Sit  down and listen, " elpida said ,

Satoru nods at her when she says that. He seems curious to know what she has to say and follows her instruction by sitting down. He looks at her and waits for what she has to say.*

“Don’t hold anything back… I want to know everything.” He says to her, excited to know what she’s going to say.

"3 days ago I went to the mall with shoko
And I met a guy there. " elpida starts to explain ,
Satoru looks at her when she says that. He can already imagine what happened and waits to know if he was right or not. He feels like she met someone who is interested in her and is starting to get nervous about what happened next, but she is still waiting for what she will say.

“You met someone? Was he someone like us? A sorcerer, too?” He asks her with a curious tone.

He is from Kyoto jujutsu High "
elpida said with a smile on her face.

Satoru listens to her when she says that. Now, he is even more curious about what happened between them. Was it a normal meeting, or did she see something that made her want to continue meeting that student from Kyoto Jujutsu High? He really wants to know what happened and can’t help but keep talking to her.

“And then? You just met and went on your way again? Was that all the interaction you had?” He asks her. He still has hope he was wrong.

"No, no, no
I met him as I was waiting for my  boba tea to be ready
And We start talking
His name is Toruo between" elpida said ,

Satoru looks at her and knows now the direction of their conversation. She met someone she likes, and now she’s telling him about it. He’s a bit annoyed at that but tries to be happy for her even if he feels bad for himself in that situation.

“Oh, so he wasn’t someone you just saw passing by, but someone you talked to. What did you talk about?” He asks her. He wants to know more about the student she fell in love with.

"We talked about jujutsu and some simple things
But he was so handsome and cute
Then we change numbers ,
And tomorrow night
We will go on a date!" elpida said as she was blushing a little ,

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now