
621 17 84

TW - Attempt Suicide, Mention of Death

It was around 4am. I had snuck out of my window.

When people usually sneak out they're usually about to do drugs or have sex.

Not me though. I snuck out because my life at home is shit. I'd rather be dead than at home.

I hurry into a shop. It was open for 24 hours and I had a friend who worked there named Karl. Karl was definitely one of my best friends.

He usually did night shifts. I enter the shop and wave to another employee before heading over to an aisle. The snack aisle.

My mom died when I was around 17. I'm 22 now. No, I don't go to college. I don't have any plans on going any time soon.

My dad, well he's an addict. He's probably at home drinking right now. He wasn't really physically abusive but more on the mentally side.

I grab a quick snack and a fizzy then I head over to Karl. "Were you guys busy today?" I ask as I place down my things.

"No, nobody comes here anymore. You're basically our only customer." Karl says laughing it off.

Though I knew it was a fake laugh.

I look around then back to Karl. I felt bad for him. He grew up without a family and now he's stuck working at this shop.

He continued to scan my things.

My mom died from a chronic heart disease. I don't really remember what it was, maybe heartbreak syndrome?

Whatever it was, it had cursed my life. My dad used to be normal until the incident. Ever since then, my whole family fell apart.

My moms side even stopped talking to us. I mean, they'd text me once in awhile but it was just texts like 'Happy Birthday Davidson.' 'Merry Christmas!'

But my dad never received those texts. They made it seem like it was our fault our mom died, like we could've done something about it.

As Karl finished scanning all of the things we hear a ding. I recognized that sound, it was a small ding that rang when someone walked in the store.

I take out my wallet and turn my head around to see a brunette walk in. He had a white bandana wrapped around his head.

He looked like he was in a slight rush. He gave us a slight smile before rushing to an aisle.

I look back at Karl, he wasn't really even paying attention. "Look at that, you've got a customer." I say.

"Yeah. He's probably just here to smoke in the bathroom or something." Karl says rolling his eyes. I laugh a bit and take out a few dollars.

"Oh wait, no no." He pushes my hand away before I could hand him the money. "Karl, I insist." "Don't worry about it George. You've done a lot for me already!"

He smiles a bit, "I owe you anyway." I sigh and smile back. "Thank you Karl. You're a really good friend." I say before leaving the store with the snack and fizzy.

Little did he know I had left $20 on the counter for him though I didn't have much.


I open the fizzy and take a few sips while I start to walk somewhere. I didn't know where I was going but knew I didn't wanna go back home.

It's nice to take a break from home sometimes. Most of the time. Even school used to be better than home.

Every time I was in my house I felt almost trapped. I don't mean to be dramatic but I was practically choking in there.

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