
192 7 53

Sorry it took so long, started school. Feel free to recap your memory on the last chapter!

TW: Cuts, Mention of Death/Suicide 


I really like Dream.

I've known him only for a few weeks but I can't help but always wanna be around him. 

I love his smile.

I love his dirty blonde hair that glows in the sun. 

I love his heart shaped vein on his arm. 

I love how he fidgets nervously whenever I was near. 

I love his stupid, stupid laugh. 

But I can't tell him that. 

It pains me physically to not be able to tell him.

Sometimes I can actually feel the pain in my heart.

But I knew I could never tell him.

I couldn't do that to him. It's only a deal.

I just had to keep it a secret and I would be fine.

I look next to me seeing him peacefully sleeping. His hair was messy and a few pieces fell onto his face. 

I laugh at the sight. 

I barely ever got to see him sleep, he was always awake. I was glad he slept.

I take a moment to study him, he was cute.

His stomach softly rose after every warm breath he inhaled.

His soft lips were slightly apart.

"Where the fuck is my toothbrush??" Sapnap barges in looking around before he stops in his tracks looking at me and Dream.

"Woah." He mutters. 

I awkwardly smile as he watched us lay in bed together.

I wasn't sure if Dream had came out to Sapnap yet. 

Wait, come out?

I like Dream.

Dream's a man. 

What am I even thinking? We didn't do anything anyways. I was probably gonna forget about last night eventually and so was he. 

"Go away." Dream mutters into the pillow now awake from Sapnap's loud voice. Sapnap looks at us surprised. 

"Quackity took over my room because you and Karl were fucking so I had to come in here." I say quickly changing the subject.

Sapnap immediately turns red in embarrassment. "We weren't, fuck off!" He walks away closing the door.

I laugh a bit to see Dream slightly looking at me. 

"How did you sleep?" He asks in a raspy voice. God his morning voice.

"Uh what?" I ask. I couldn't focus on what he was saying. 

"I said how did you sleep?" He says chuckling a bit. 

"Good. You?" I probably sounded really dry but I was too flustered for this shit. 

He didn't say anything but I could feel his finger trace my inner thigh. What was he doing?

I look over at him as he was looking at his finger. I could feel my breath hitch. 

"Sapnap knows now by the way.." I mumble. 

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