
176 6 28

TW - ED, Blood, Cigarettes, Burns, Drinking

I yawn seeing the bright light shine onto my eyes as I groan in return. 

I turn my body over realizing I was in Dreams bed. 

I liked the thought of waking up next to Dream. 

I open my eyes.

Where's Dream? 

I shrug it off, he was probably downstairs eating breakfast. 

Wait, eating breakfast? 

I've never seen Dream actually eat before. 

Karl would sometimes point out to me how Dream never finished his food. He was always somehow full.

When I asked him about it he told me he just couldn't eat even if he tried. 

I pick up my phone charged on the bedside table. 

Not gonna lie I felt disgusting. 

"Oh." I mumble remembering what happened last night. That explains it. 

I exhale and go onto google.

My fingers hover the keyboard trying to think of what to search.

'My friend has a hard time eating, why?' 

I type in. 

I read all of the articles and the same two words kept popping up. 

Eating Disorders.

I click on one of the articles with curiosity. 

My eyes search around and study all the words.

'If someone is struggling with an eating disorder, let them know you are there for them.'

I softly sigh reading all the articles as my heart quickened. 

He was struggling. I didn't want him to struggle. 

After a few more minutes educating myself I set the phone down and stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes. 

I really wanted to talk to Dream about it but I wasn't sure how to bring it up.

I was scared I was gonna say something wrong. I wasn't too familiar with this kind of stuff. 

Speaking of Dream, I should probably go look for him. 

I got up from the bed, I really needed a shower. 

I stretch and look at myself in the mirror. 

My hair was a bit messy so I fixed it up

"Dream?" I question walking over to the bathroom.

I put my hand on the handle and opened the door.

"George-" I hear him say as I opened the door.

His back was facing me as he was shirtless.

He was doing something but I couldn't tell what.

He was startled. 

"George, give me a few minutes." He says in a serious tone still not looking at me. 

"What?" I say laughing a bit, "I've seen you shirtless before no need to get so worried." 

"Please." He says. He was serious.

I sigh, "Okay, I'm sorry." 

I walk out the bathroom closing the door behind. 

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