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TW - Mature Language

"Isn't this game a bit childish." I find myself say as George was inches away from me.

He softly opened his eyes as his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. I didn't mean to embarrass him. I look away from him.

Everyone went silence, I felt horrible.

It was really shitty of me.

George quickly backs away and sits there in silence. The room felt a little awkward now, I needed someone to speak up quickly.

"He's right, let's just go do something else." Quackity says. I feel a wave of relief hit me as everyone nods in agreement.

I anxiously fidget with my arm.

"Anyone down to watch a movie?" Sapnap speaks up.

"Yes!!" Karl exclaims.

"I'm down." I say.

I look over at George waiting for a response but he softly nods in return. I felt like such an idiot, why would I embarrass him like that. I had to apologize.

"Holy shit we should invite him over." Sapnap says looking at me. I knew exactly who he was talking about.

"Nah." I say, "He's a little too much." I laugh a bit.

See, the guy they were talking about it's not like I have an issue with him or anything but I wasn't sure how George or Karl would react to him.

Quackity playfully pushes my shoulder, "Shut up, let's invite him. He makes everything more fun anyways."

I don't say anything, I really didn't wanna invite him over. I look over at Sapnap thinking he'd listen to me but he had his phone out most likely texting him to come over.

"What movie are we watching?" Karl asks.

"How about you and me go figure that out?" Sapnap asks. I could tell he was attempting to flirt. "Uhm excuse me assholes?" Quackity speaks up feeling left out.

Sapnap rolls his eyes, "Okay fine you can come too Quacks. Uh Dream, you and George are on snack duty." They all leave to the theater.

Sap had a whole theater in his house so it made things easier.

I look over at George, he was obviously pissed off at me.

"George, I'm so sorry." I quickly speak up. It was gonna take awhile for him to forgive me but it was worth a shot.

"We should probably go get the snacks." He says standing up. I look at him as he walks downstairs. I always did the dumbest shit.

It was just a stupid game yet I pussied out.


George's POV

I walk down the stairs with a mix of anger and disappointment. It was dumb of me to get pissed off over this whole thing but come on, he didn't have to embarrass me.

A part of me tells me that wasn't his ideal goal but the other part of me wants to stab the shit out of him.

I look around looking for the kitchen assuming that's where the snacks would be.

I eventually found it, it was easy to get lost in this house without guidance.

Some of the pantries were open so I grabbed a few things from them.

I also grab a few bags of popcorn popping them in the microwave.

The sound of the pops filled the air. Popcorn was an easy effortless snack so it made things easy.

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