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TW - Mature Language, Heavy Fluff?

"Why should I be jealous? You thought that arm was mine didn't you?"

Hearing those words escape his mouth was a different kind of feeling. I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach as my cheeks flushed in pink.

At the same time I felt a little embarrassed for quickly assuming it was Dreams arm.

Before I could say anything Karl taps my arm. I turn my head, "Can we speak real quick?" He whispers.

I nod, it was probably serious. I pat the seat next to me since Jay was sitting on the floor eyes glued to the TV now.

Karl sits down and exhales.

"What's wrong?" I quickly ask.

"My boss is mad at me for not showing up to work for awhile," He begins. "So he fired me."

"Oh." I say. I didn't really know what I was supposed to say. I felt really terrible for him.

"And I feel really shitty for asking but I need a few dollars George. I'm trying to find a job I really am but I need a bit of money and you're my only best friend."

I wanted to just ask why he couldn't ask the rich one in the house for money but I would ask Karl for money if I needed it too.

Besides, I had a lot of money right now.
From the deal.

I try to forget about the deal but it lives in my head rent free.

"Oh sure. I'm sorry about that Karl. I'll pay you once we head to sleep." I say as he nods. "Thank you. Really George, it means a lot to me."

I shoot him a quick smile before he returns to sit in his original spot.

I would do anything for Karl. And I mean anything.


It had been about an hour later. We were still in the living room watching football or what Americans call it, soccer.

Not gonna lie, I was on my phone most of the game.

Quackity was sound asleep. You could hear his soft snores and besides if he was awake I'd be hearing his screams.

Sapnap was definitely screaming at the TV. I never understood why they got so pissed off at the TV.

I wanted to talk to Dream about the kiss. We couldn't just act like it didn't happen.

For some reason I was nervous to talk about it though. I don't know why I kissed him. I don't know why I liked it either.

I wasn't gay nor did I have feelings for Dream.

Sometimes I felt things every time he spoke to me but I knew I didn't like him.

I wasn't sure what it was.

But I need him to know that I don't have feelings. I know he doesn't like me either though. I can't get ahead of myself, it's just a deal.

I look over at Dream to see him already looking at me.


I awkwardly smile and in return I get a slight smile from him. It was a rare occurrence to break a smile out of Dream. But when we were alone, I'd get to see a smile once in awhile.

"You seem lost in thought." He says.

I shrug, "Just thinking of things."

"Oh yeah?" He says not removing eyes from me, "What are these things?"

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