Drip Drop Rage

501 4 2

Word count: 1673

"Name" the new stage door security guard asked as I ran up to the door in the pouring rain. "Y/N Y/L/N" I said , shivering as the rain was soaking through my outfit. "ID?" The large man asked impatiently. "It's inside! I'm Danny's Fiance! I left it in my purse in his dressing room!" I said, pushing my wet hair out of my face.

"I can't let you in without your ID" he said not looking up from his clipboard. "Are you serious i just walked past you like 5 minutes ago I had to go grab Danny's fucking extra drumsticks from the bus! It's pouring, let me in!" I insisted, the rain was now completely drenching me, my hair, makeup and outfit effectively ruined. "Sorry rules are rules." The guard said in a cocky voice.

"You're actually joking! Come on dude this isn't funny Danny goes on in 10 minutes I need to get to him!" I yelled starting to get upset. "Ma'am if you don't calm down I'll have you escorted off the premises. I cannot let you in without your ID." He said looking up at me.

I waved the drumsticks in his face "I AM HOLDING DANNY'S DRUMSTICKS JUST LET ME IN FOR CHRIST SAKE" I yelled now shivering as a chill was setting in from the ice cold rain that was dumping down. The man stepped forward towering over me making me feel incredibly small and uncomfortable. "Last chance to step back" he threatened.

I saw a flash of white go by the door it was Josh, "JOSH HEY HELP ME OUT!" I yelled frantically trying to get his attention. He saw me and his jaw fell open and he ran over, "what the hell is going on?!" He asked. "This woman doesn't have her ID and is demanding to get in" the guard said. "That's literally Danny's fucking fiancé! You have her photo on your clipboard right there with her name. What the hell is wrong with you?" Josh said pointing to my photo on the clipboard.

"Come on y/n, you're good come in" Josh ushered me in. "T..thanks" I said through chattering teeth. "Are you ok?!" He asked. "Freezing, c..can you go get Danny for me please?" I said quietly, tears pricking the edges of my eyes. "Yeah hold on I'll grab him stay put" he said motioning to a chair nearby.

My shoes sloshed and I was dripping water all over the floor as I sat down. Never in my years of traveling with them had i had an issue like this before. It felt humiliating, I was soaked to the bone and everyone was staring.

"HE DID WHAT?!" I heard Danny's voice full of rage echo from back towards the dressing rooms. A few moments later he was walking towards me. His gaze was split between me full of concern and pure uncut rage at the door security guard. He was conflicted of who to go to first but he made a b line straight to me.

"Baby girl oh my fucking god" he said looking at me. "What happened?!" He asked, wrapping me in a towel Josh had handed him. His expression was full of concern as I looked at him I could feel myself breaking and tears starting to spill over the edges of my eyes mixing with the droplets of rain water on my face. "He wouldn't let me in without my ID even though he has my photo. I just went to grab your drumsticks for you like you asked. I was gone for less than 5 minutes!" I rambled.

Josh had brought more towels and Danny was now kneeling in front of me using a towel to gently wipe the mixture of rain, tears and makeup off my face. "Mamas, I'm so sorry, that is absolutely despicable." His hand cradled my arm his fingers retracting slightly as he felt the iciness of my skin. "You're freezing! Come on baby let's get you in dry clothes and warmed up before you catch your death" he said helping me stand up.

Not having a care in the world about possibly getting his outfit wet he wrapped his arm around me as we walked. As we walked towards where the guard was still standing at the door I felt his body tensing up. His fist clenching at his side, his jawline going hard and rigid, and the vein in his neck becoming much more prominent.

We stopped right in front of the security guard, "I don't know who the fuck you think you are letting my god damn fiancé stand out in the rain like that and denying her fucking entry but I will be DAMNED if you do that again. There was no fucking reason for this to occur her face is on the list right there in your hand. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A DOORMAN, ACT YOUR JOB TITLE BEFORE YOUR TITLE IS UNEMPLOYED." Danny said with rage. "Policy states that ID is required for entry backstage regardless of who the person is" the guy replied.

Danny's nostrils flared which I had seen only a handful of times, he was really fucking angry. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it in hopes it would ground him a bit, he looked at me with soft eyes before the flame of rage returned as he looked back at the man. I noticed that Josh, Jake and Sammy were watching from a safe distance in case they needed to step in.

This time when Danny went to speak his voice was flat and monotone which was terrifying because the next stage of his rage would be knocking the guys lights out. "I'm only going to say this once more because I need to make sure my fiancé get dried up and warm before I go on stage. If I ever catch you denying entry to anyone on that list I will personally make sure that you have an incredibly hard time finding a source of employment anywhere. I am not afraid to use my fame to make sure someone as brainless and senseless as you has an incredibly rough life. This is my fiancé, I will go to the ends of the EARTH to make sure no one ever hurts her or causes her an ounce of pain. I have no patience for people like you." He said, his tone was dripping with promise and venom. The guard simply nodded clearly feeling the severity of the situation he was now facing as Danny was quite literally breathing down his neck seconds away from knocking him out.

His expression instantly softened as he turned to me, "come on flower let's get you taken care of" he said, guiding me away. As we passed by the other guys he looked at them, "delay the show 20 minutes I need to get her taken care of" he said. "You got it man no problem," Josh said, heading off to talk to the stage crew.

Tears were still spilling as we walked, my skin stung from the cold that had now effectively settled in over my body. We went straight into his dressing room and he went over to his duffel bag and rummaged through pulling out a pair of his sweatpants and one of his hoodies. "I know all your clothes are at the hotel so this is going to have to do for now Flower, let's get you dried off and warmed up before I have to go perform." He said coming over to me and neatly putting the clothes next to me.

He gently pulled my wet clothing off my body then took a towel and gently dried me off. Normally him seeing me naked would elicit a very different reaction but right now he was gentle and focused on getting me to feel better. "I'm so sorry" he said quietly as he unfastened my soaking wet bra and took it off. "It isn't your fault darling." I said softly, reassuring him. His eyes met mine and he reached up to cup my cheek, his thumb brushing away a few straggling tears. "No more tears, I've got you now." He said placing the gentlest of kisses on my lips.

He helped me into his clothes after making sure I was adequately dry. I was practically swimming in his clothing but I felt cozy and safe. "You look cute in my clothes" he smiled taking mine and throwing them in a plastic bag. "I feel comfortable in them. Not as cute as the outfit I was wearing though" I pouted. "Darling you'd look incredible in a burlap sack. Now let's get you settled before I have to go on stage." He touched my lip with his thumb before gently dragging it downwards.

I got settled on the large couch in his dressing room and he grabbed the blanket he had in there and draped it over me. "Warm enough?" He asked. I nodded, pulling the hood up around my face and snuggling into it, it smelled like him and brought a wave of comfort. "Yeah I'm good thank you" I smiled at him. "If you need anything, text my manager's phone and he will get it for you. I love you so much y/n. Truly do not know what my life would be without you in it. You are my radiant flower, after the show we will go back to the hotel and I will make sure you know that. Over and over and over again" a smirk passed his lips.

Danny bent down and placed a passionate kiss on my lips, his tongue danced over my bottom lip tasting me once before he needed to go. "Take a nap and I'll be done before you know it" he said sweetly. "Love you Darling" I said, sinking into the blankets.  "Love you more" he said turning the light off and walking out of the dressing room.

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