Lets Start A Family

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Word count: 3872

"Baby come on you've gotta get up we have to be at the venue to get ready for the show" I felt Danny kissing my cheek and gently rubbing my back. I had been taking a lot of naps lately because I wasn't feeling 100%. I groaned and sat up rubbing my eyes, he looked at me concerned, "are you sure you're ok? You still look off, still beautiful as ever but I'm concerned Mamas" he said, feeling my forehead with his hand.

I nodded, "I'm ok I think I'm just fighting a cold or something maybe a stomach bug because I've been incredibly nauseous too" I said getting up to start getting ready. "Are you sure you don't want to stay here and rest?" He asked, clearly concerned. I shook my head, "and miss your first sold out show at Madison square garden?! Absolutely not I'm fine" I said going into the bathroom.

I rummaged through my toilet tree bag to see if I had some tums or pepto to calm my stomach and came across my midol and I paused. "Baby?" I called out. "Yeah are you alright?" He replied. "Yeah yeah I'm fine.. what's today's date?" I asked. "The 29th why?" He replied.

My head snapped up at the sudden realization, my period was due on the 8th and it never showed up. It was 3 weeks late. "Uhhh no reason" I replied. I didn't want to tell him that I was late because we had been trying to conceive for 2 years since we got married and had no luck after no luck and it was becoming heart breaking. He didn't need that added stress right now, not with the beginning of the new tour.

I came out of the bathroom and walked over to him, "hey why don't you head over to MSG and I'll meet you there send a car for me. I'm going to take a bit longer than expected I need to shower" I said. He put his hands on my hips, "are you sure you're ok? You look pale? I can tell the guys to cancel..." he began but I cut him off. "There's no need to cancel nothing I'm fine sweetheart I promise I just don't want to have to rush" I said. He paused for a second then ducked down and kissed me gently, "ok only if you are sure. I'll have my car stay here and I'll just go with the guys in the van. I'll tell Ryan to wait for you here" he said. "Love you break a leg" I smiled up at him. "Love you too" he said, grabbing his duffel bag and walked out of the hotel room.

I got ready and then made my way down to where the car was waiting for me and Ryan was patiently waiting. "Good evening Mrs. Wagner, how are you this evening?" He asked politely opening my door for me. I got in, "I'm good thank you Ryan how are you?" I asked. "Very well Ma'am '' he said before closing the door behind me and getting into the drivers seat. "To Madison square garden?" He asked. "Actually I was wondering if we could make a stop real quick. Just at a CVS or a pharmacy I need to grab something really quick" I asked. Ryan nodded and pulled off.

I didn't want to get my hopes up but something was definitely up. My period always came at the beginning of each month on the 8th like clockwork. It was never ever late. Ryan pulled up in front of a cvs and I hopped out, "just keep the car running I'll be right out!" I said before hurrying inside. I went down the family planning aisle and grabbed 3 kinds of pregnancy tests. I quickly checked out and shoved them into my bag before hurrying back outside and getting into the car. "Thanks!" I said. "No problem at all Mrs" he replied politely pulling into traffic.

We arrived at the artist entrance of MSG and pulled in, Ryan got out and let me out. Jake Josh and Sam were sharing a blunt as I got out, "hey kid! You're here Danny said you weren't feeling good you alright?" Josh asked. "Yeah I'm ok. Where's Danny?" I asked. "He's inside tightening the drum heads on his set, want us to tell him you're here?" Sam said. "Yeah that's fine I'm going to go drop my stuff off in his dressing room and use the bathroom tell him I'll be out in a few" I said walking in and going straight to the dressing rooms.

I found the one labeled Daniel and walked in shutting and locking the door behind me. I grabbed a plastic cup from the water dispenser before making a b line for the bathroom. I unpackaged all 6 tests and laid them out before I quickly peed in the cup. One by one I removed the cap of each one, dunked it in my pee then replaced the cap and placed it on the counter face down.

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