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Logans POV

Test, after test, after test and I'm still here. Stuck, trapped I'm my own mind and no where to get out. I've lost all track of time and I don't even know if my family is alive, or even if Joy was still alive.

I look at the transparent walls of my cage waiting to see if they were coming to take me yet. They're late today, and they've never been late before.

We have a routine, and that routine consists of me going into the blue room as soon as I wake up and get tortured for hours on end, or as Dr. Whittaker says enduring pain to withstand "true power". Then I would eat breakfast. I used to eat breakfast before I went into the blue room, but I would throw up everything, which made Dr. Whittaker make me eat afterwards. Because breakfast is all they will give me some days, its loaded with random brown mush that I'm forced to eat, and if I don't they will take me back to the blue room while they torture me some more.

Then I would go with the whitecoats so that they can test how strong I got from earlier that day, while injecting serums every now and then to help my newfound abilities. And finally I would go back to my cage and wait hours for dinner to arrive, if they even wanted me eat.

I'm supposed to be checked for my powers now with the whitecoats, but apparently something happened in the blue room that I can't seem to remember as I blacked out. The last thing I heard was the whitecoats arguing with Dr. Whittaker spewing facts about how I wasn't supposed to transform, or how I was becoming something they couldn't handle. It seemed serious as none of them ever talk back to Whittaker. I didn't hear much before I blacked out completely and made it back here where I'm waiting continuos hours on end wondering if they would even come to get me.

Sometimes to make the time go fast I think of the outside world and how its like. I wonder if there ever was a true vaccine and if people are back to normal, or how maybe my parents are still looking for me and my siblings, that's if they're even still alive. Nonetheless, I like to think of numerous things whether they are good or bad, because anything is better than sitting around all day, every day wondering if I'm going to make it out.

No knowledge of time, no reassurance from anyone, and most of all no hope. When Dr. Whittaker left me in room 44 I had a belief that this would be temporary, that in some way I would be saved along with those I've loved, but for quite some time I've been thinking otherwise.

Times like these I wonder if the government even still exists, if morals or any type of humanity would change my current situation, but I know better. I known better for a while that this may be the rest of my life.

I continue to sit on the ground of my cage waiting till I hear anything, even as small as a mouse lightly walking in the vents, until I finally hear voices outside the room. They don't know yet, but I'm not supposed to be able to hear outside of my cage. A few months back, or atleast it felt like, I left the blue room and got tested for any new abilities. Nothing happened until I went back to my room and started to hear the doctors outside the room talk about how disappointing it is that I haven't had any new abilities in a while. Usually my collar would shock me or the light receptors in the room would notify Dr. Whittaker that one of my powers were in use, but nothing happened. I tried to hear farther then right outside my door but it wouldn't work.

Regardless, I used this new ability to hear what the whitecoats would say as I'm testing my powers and try to get insight on anything useful that could help me escape. So far nothing, but that doesn't mean that there isn't something I can't find.

I turn my attention back to the door and it turns out I'm hearing Dr. Whittaker and Lindsey whispering aggressively to each other.

"Lindsey if I hear one more word come out your mouth about Logan I will lose it!"

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