Not Any Longer

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I stare at Logan in actual disbelief. First Megan and now Logan? I know I was becoming crazy by being here, but I didn't think I would be this crazy.

He makes small paced steps towards me as if he's afraid I'll dissappear from him. He is in his monster form, but I don't feel afraid as he comes closer to me.

"Joy, I've finally found you." He says- more like thinks, but I can hear his voice in my head. His voice is rough and sounds like a growl as he spits his words.

"Logan- I- I don't know what to say." I say still staring in disbelief.

"I'm just happy to see you after all this time. You don't know how badly I've been needing to see you." He says crouching down to me on the floor.

So he didn't find another super powered chick to date?

Fine by me.

"All I've wanted all this time was you." He says, chuckling while gliding his sharp finger across my face. Even though his fingers aren't soft I still find comfort in his touch, as his rough fingers lower themselves onto my neck as he slowly lets his arm drop.

So I must be imagining, because there is no way I can feel him right? There is no possible way Logan is here. Although I feel as if I'm losing my mind I think I'm going to accept this feeling. I forgot what it felt like to come in contact with another human who isn't going to strike me down.

"I'm not actually here, here, but I am real and I can feel you just as much you can feel me. I can't belive I'm here touching you just as you can't believe that I'm here."

I scrunch my eyebrows confused. If he was actually here, the guards would have already come and probably tried to kill us, so how is he here? Before I could ask Logan turns into his human form. Unlike all the other times he turns back, he's fully clothed. He grabs my hands and lifts me off my back as I sit on my butt. He sits in front of me still holding my hands. I stare at his soft features and tears start forming as it's felt like forever since I've seen him.

I let go of his hands and pull him close. I sort of sit on his lap and he holds me just as tight as I hold him. I let out a small sob as I lay my head closer into his neck.

I forgot it all. I forgot about the comfort, the touch, and the feelings I felt for him. I couldn't belive that I let this place make me forget what it felt like to love. I look up from his neck as he's already looking down at me with unshed tears.

"Joy before our time is over I need to tell you something important." He says sniffling.

I nod in understanding and get off his lap but still sit closely next to him.

"Today you are going to escape." I look at him even more confused.

Just when I thought he is actually real, here he goes telling me I'm about to leave this place. Sure.

He pinches the bridge of his nose as he continues. "Look I know you don't believe me, but it's true I'm going to tell you how to do it."

"Logan, I know you have a big heart and you believe, that is one of the many things I love about you. But this, me escaping, don't give me false hope about it. I don't need another day of me praying to someone that I will make it out. I'm not escaping, Logan. I will most likely die here." I say touching his hand. He holds my hand tighter giving me a sense of strength.

"You are making it out Joy, you are making it out of here alive, today. I have an understanding that you have been talking to Megan?"

Wait. How did he know about me and Megan? From what I know me and her only talked once and she disappeared infront of me.

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