Chapter 20: Finally

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A/N: I said I'd publish Sunday, but fuck it I'm publishing today!

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping, the sun hazily coming through the window. Wait, we fell asleep on the couch, how did I get here? I pat the other side of the bed, only to find a half naked David asleep under the covers. I smile to myself, and scooch up closer to his back. I place a hand on him, feeling his muscles tense as he turns. When he moves, he pulls me closer to his chest, and wraps the blanket around us tightly. My arms find their way around him, while my head finds his heart. He gently wraps his arms around me, but squeezes me hard.
"Hey hey!! Too tight!" I giggle, and try to bat him away, but he doesn't stop.
He chuckles adorably, causing me to do so as well.
"Oops sorry!" He sarcastically laughs in my ear.
I playfully push his chest in return.
"David you have to understand you are strong and I am not!" We both laugh and embrace once more.
We sleep for another hour, before waking up. He yawns, triggering me to yawn too.
"How did I get here, we fell asleep on the couch?" I remember, wanting to ask him before.
He looks down and smiles.
"Well, I carried you in here last night." He grins, blushing.
I take his cheeks and hold them in my hands.
"Aww you cutey!" I whisper to him.
As we both smile, I stroke his arm affectionately.
After we'd woken up and gotten dressed, we went into the kitchen to make breakfast. He started cooking up eggs and bacon, while I sat at the counter watching.
"So how are we going to fix your house situation?" He asks.
I turn my head to respond, but I don't really know the answer.
"I don't know, I guess we have to find someone to pick the lock or something. And then, we'd need to change the locks." I answer.
He nods, the bacon sizzling in its pan making my mouth water with anticipation.
"I can pick the lock, I know how to do that. So all you have to do is call someone to change them." He replies, taking me aback.
"Okay, I don't want to know why you know how to do that, let's move on. My question is, can I stay with you until I can get them fixed?" I ask, politely.
He pulls out two plates and grabs a spatula. He puts eggs and bacon on both plates, and brings them over to the table with me. We sit down, and dig in.
"Yeah sure, but how long will you be here?" He asks, before shoveling down food.
He doesn't really eat that much I've noticed. Usually just breakfast and a small dinner, but rarely lunch. When we have a lunch break at work, he just reads or something.
"Maybe a few days at the most. Is that okay?" I ask, as he nods.
We talk a bit about movies and such while we finish breakfast, once we do, he takes the plates and washes up.
"Hey, can we talk?" I ask, slightly nervous.
He turns around and laughs.
"We've been doing that all morning." He jokes, smiling.
"Ha ha," I sarcastically chuckle, "I mean like seriously, I want to talk to you." I confide, making him shuffle a bit.
He looks down at his feet.
"Uh yeah sure. Now?" He washes his hands.
I lead him to the living room, basically where all of the serious talks happen between us. I remember sitting here while he admitted his deepest feelings to me, astounding me. It's funny how things work out. We sit down next to each other, and he looks nervous, more so than I am, and I'm the one who's talking.
"Are you still into me?" I ask, taking him aback a bit.
He moves around and blushes a bit before answering.
"Well, yeah, um of course, I guess I always have been." He stutters.
I reach out and run my hand down his leg, calming him.
"It's okay, I'm just wondering because..." I begin, but he interrupts me.
"Because what?" He looks up at me with his puppy eyes.
I pause, and just look at him. His deep chocolate brown eyes linger with hope, and his body is leaning closer to me. Illustrating to me his feelings must have been so hard for him.
"Well I was sort of thinking last night, and I guess the last few months about something in particular." I admit, making him sit back.
His face is covered with confusion, while I try to explain.
"You know how when you told me you liked me, I said that I didn't, and that I'd never like you?" He nods slowly.
I look down, a wave of nervousness washes over me. But I look up.
"Well that's changed."
He sits back, his eyes wide, his jaw clenched.
"Um, wha-what do you m-mean?" He asks cautiously, as if stepping over explosive mines.
I place my hand on his knee gently.
"I... I like you. A lot." I admit, making him slightly smile, but he realises it's inappropriate.
He clears his throat, and breathes in deeply.
"When I first met you, I knew there was something special. But I convinced myself that I didn't like you that way, and so I ended up getting a boyfriend. But then I had a crush on you, and I love hanging out with you, but I thought I was just your friend. And when you admitted your feelings, I didn't quite know what I felt, but it was a mix between happiness and awkwardness. But the last couple of weeks I've taken a notice of my feelings, and brought them forward. I realized I like you. A lot."
I shuffled a bit, unsure of how he would respond. He tilted his head, and moved closer. His hands found my sides, and mine found his neck. He came up kissed me softly, tenderly. I ran my hand down his jaw, rubbing his stubble roughly. He pulled back slightly, his lips almost against mine. Our breath mingled together.
"I'm the happiest man alive." He whispered against my lips.
I ran my hands through his hair, kissing him softly and lazily. After a minute or so, I pulled back.
"So what are we?" I ask, nervously.
He smiles and wipes his mouth with his sleeve.
"Well, w-would you like to g-go out with m-me?" He asked, grinning widely, as he stuttered.
I nod, us both smiling. I leapt into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"I know it's soon, but I can I take you out tonight?" He asks, like an excited puppy.
I smile, knowing we'll work out just fine.
"Of course sweety." I announce, making him leap into the air with joy.
So this is what it's like to have the affection of a woman. Wow, I can't believe I've been missing out on this my entire life! I'm so excited to take Jennifer out, but I have to plan it first. I can't take her to the movies because that's boring and too casual, but nothing too formal because all of her fancy clothes are in her locked home. Shoot. Maybe I can make something up? You know, like a nice dinner in the park or something. Yeah, she'll like that, right? I'll take her to the field and...get soaked because the grass is still wet. Damn! I guess I'll just think of something, but it probably won't be great.
I look back at her, and then I turn to glance at the clock in the kitchen. 12:03.
"So when is this date of ours?" She smiles, walking a finger playfully up my chest.
I sit up straighter, and push back my shoulders, gaining confidence.
"Well, I haven't really thought about much yet, because my dream first date can't be done." I admit, sorrowly.
She takes my hand, and brings my chin up to meet her eyes.
"Is this your first date?!" She asks in wonderment.
I shuffle my arms and ruffle my hair.
"Well, yeah I guess." I reply.
She pecks my lips one last time.
I leap up from the couch, and grab her hand, taking her to my front door.
"Let's go to your house, and I'll fix the door!" I announce excitedly.
We climb into my car and I drive down to her house. She pushes a big black button, turning the radio on. It's the news, rather than the normal music.
"I'm sorry to announce this to you all," A deep and informative voice starts, "but we have just found out the news that Kurt Cobain, of Nirvana has committed suicide. Thank you for your time, and now back to the music." The man's voice faded, and on came Come As You Are. I whacked the button, silencing the car. The misty air fogged up the windows and hazed our minds.
"Did you like Nirvana?" She asks, delicately.

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