Chapter 4: The One Where It All Began

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Jennifer's POV

A/N: I saw this adorable interview of the three guys from the show, and it was so cute! And when the interviewer asked if any of them has a crush on any of the girls, everybody looked at David and he was blushing bright red!! Even Matty and Matt were poking him and stuff. And then he said he had a 'small' crush on Jennifer, but he was still blushing and it was so sweet. He was so cute and practically confirmed Javid!

I wake up, excited and ready. Today is the day we are going to start filming! I'm so happy! I've waited years to find a steady job, and this is it! This is what I want. Going to work and having fun with the 5 other people that make me smile. I can tell we are going to be friends for a long time! Courtney, Lisa, Matt, Matthew, and of course, David. I've never seen him acting, but I'm pretty sure he's going to be great! I wonder how he's going to come out of his shell and play Ross. He's supposed to be shy, but not as much as David. It's cute, but I'd love to see him act confident. And Matt acting dumb will be great! Courtney all clean freaky and competitive. And of course, Lisa! She's so different than Phoebe! Matthew won't have to struggle at all to play Chandler. But I can't wait!! I'm just so excited!
I get dressed, and style my hair. I grab my purse and rush out the door. I pull my car into WB, and pull up to the soundstage. I notice, there are parking spots with our names on it. Matty is already here, of course. Courtney is here. I pull into my spot. From left to right, they go David, Me, Courtney, Matty, Lisa, and then Matt. I walk inside and into the large room. I rush over to Monica's couch, where everyone was talking. Courtney was laughing hysterically. The directors were walking over to us.

"Here's 6 copies of the script. Hand one out to everyone when they get here." Kevin says, giving Courtney the scripts.

She hands one to Matty and I. We start to read over them.

"Do you want to practice?" I ask.

They nod and turn towards me.

"There's nothing to tell..." Courtney begins.

Who knew that would line would be the beginning of an era? Definitely not me.

David and Lisa walked in together. And Matt runs in after them. Lisa was wearing a dress, and David was wearing a tucked in collared shirt with the strap of his leather bag across his chest. He smiled when he saw me.
"Hey guys!" He smiled.

We all replied with a simple 'hey'.

"Oh, guys, Marta told me today and Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday's are practice days. We don't start filming until Thursday." I announce.
Everybody nods. David takes a seat next to me and casually puts his arm around my shoulders. I wonder where this burst of confidence is coming from? He's been less nervous and more smiley. That's odd. Courtney sat down onto Matty's lap. She rested her legs on Matt. I guess we are all getting comfortable, so I get closer to David.


She brought herself closer to me, which made me think. Maybe, possibly, she likes me too? Or she's probably just joining in with everyone else. Yep, that's it. It's funny how when we are alone I'm more nervous, but when I'm with everybody else I'm less shy than usual. I flip through the pages of the scripts before we go back to practicing our them. We get to the part where we are eating the Oreos.

"And don't let my intense vulnerability become any kind of factor in this, but do you think I could ask you out sometime, maybe?"

I asked. I wish I could have that kind of confidence.

"Yeah, maybe." She smiled.

I blushed. I shouldn't do that when we film. She's still next to me, but she leans in right next to my ear, her hot breath chilling my spine.

A Step Back (Jennifer. A + David. S)Where stories live. Discover now