~Your touch in the rain~

472 10 51

Soulmates. Something Tsukasa's not interested in at the moment.

Not saying he doesn't want to find his! He just has other things going on in his life that have a higher priority! A fact that leaves Saki worried for him.

But he's not worried! He'll find his soulmate when the time is right!

"What if... say, you found your soulmate today?"

Ah, yes. A question Tsukasa is most definitely underprepared to answer!

But, surely he can answer Rui's question... right?

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Day 1: [Summer festival, Mythology, Soulmates]

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I looked just in time to prepare for RuiKasa week! I usually miss anything like this or never finish it, but my RuiKasa brain rot is going strong XD It also gives me some time from my long fics I'm still trying to develop so I can let my creativity flow in more than one place while I get stuck hehe

For today's prompt, I really wanted to do mythology, but I couldn't come up with anything to write for it ;-; I ended up coming up with this for soulmates, though, so I went with it!

I hope you enjoy hehe!

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The couch shifted next to Tsukasa, leaning him towards the now filled space next to him. He turned his gaze away from the script in his hand, glancing at Saki as she settled next to him, holding up a book. With a frown, he set the script down, shifting so he could face her.

"What is it?" he asked, resting his chin in his hand.

Saki let out a quiet grunt, turning so she could face him, setting the book between them.

"Do you remember this book?" she asked, tilting her head curiously.

With a hum, Tsukasa picked up the book, looking over the cover.

"'A Guide to Soulmates...'" he mumbled.

He wouldn't deny, it did seem somewhat familiar. He just wasn't sure where he'd seen it before.

"This doesn't look like a book I read to you before," he said, flipping through the pages.

"Well, of course not!"

He flinched, closing the book to read the back. Saki sighed, shaking her head in disappointment. His hands slipped, and the book fell open to a random page in his lap.

"'Signs to look for in your soulmate'... Saki, did I read this?"

"They go over it in your first year of high school! Do you really not remember?"

First year of high school...

He'd been focused on making sure Saki was comfortable through her recovery in the hospital. With any free time he had between that and school, he was working out how to start his first steps into Stardom and looking for a job in theater. Planning things out in preparation for when he finally did land the job. Once Saki was better, of course.

Plus, adding on the fact that Tsukasa wasn't worried about finding his soulmate. He was sure he'd find them soon enough, when the time was right.

"No, I must not have been paying attention when they went over it. Besides, I have to focus on becoming a star and finishing school before I can worry about my soulmate!" he said while striking a pose.

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