~Once a cat, always a cat~

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It's been a while since Rui turned into a human again. And his and Tsukasa's relationship has been getting better and better with each day!

So, after much waiting, Tsukasa's taking him on a date! Mizuki recommended the place, and said they would like it. But neither of them will tell Rui where they're going!

Why's it gotta be so difficult for a curious little guy get his answers?

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Day 6: [Flowers, Angst, Cats]

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I saw flowers and angst, and all I could think about was hanahaki or a lily AU. But I'm saving both ideas for something bigger I want to do for them ehe.

I posted A Boy and His Cat a few days before I saw the prompts and was sad I wasn't able to save it in time. But then I got ideas for more parts that I could write with them! Then I decided it'll just be a mini series I'll write for fun whenever I think up something to write for them hehe

A Boy and His Cat is the first part to Little Kitty (Please Stay With Me), and I would recommend reading that before this one so it makes some more sense about what's going on. You don't have to if you don't want to, tho ehe

But uh, spoiler warning, in case anyone does want to go read it and hasn't yet...



It sort of mentions it in the summary, but Rui turned himself into a cat and "disappeared" for a few years, but he was with Tsukasa almost the whole time he was a cat. Tsukasa managed to turn him back, and they started working on mending/rebuilding their relationship.



There is also the mention of putting a pet down, if that's a trigger/upsetting to anyone.

I figured it would be nice to have this be a few months after when they've had time to get close so I could make them go on a date hehe

Anyway, onto the story!

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Rui's leg bounced in anticipation, his attention trained on the clock hanging from the wall nearby as he rang books into the system.

So close. So close. So close-

He jumped from his seat when the time hit 5 o'clock. He rang in the last book in his hand and set it on the cart, before shutting down his computer.

"Ah, Kamishiro! Did you finish sorting the books out?"


He glanced at his coworker, the sweet old lady, who looked up from her computer, giving him a soft smile.

"Good job today, kiddo. Tell your boyfriend I said hi, yeah? And have fun on your date, tonight!"

Rui nodded excitedly, giving her his thanks, before he headed back to grab his belongings and clock out.

Him and Tsukasa had been working out this date for a couple weeks now. They'd mentioned wanting to go somewhere on a date, but not knowing where to go while hanging out with Mizuki and a few others.

Rui's old friend had mentioned a place they took Ena to all the time, and that they both loved. They said they knew Rui would love the place, and would give Tsukasa the details.

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