~As bright as you~

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" He could feel Tsukasa's heart beat faster in anticipation the closer they got to the clearing. Rui's grin grew, his own heart picking up.

He'd spent a lot of time preparing for this date, from the research, to working out schedules, to waking up early that morning to make sure everything was ready and set up.

And if it had gone as he'd planned... "

So many months of hard work went into preparing this date. But Rui's positive Tsukasa will love it!

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Day 2: [Beach, Stargazing, AU]

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When I saw stargazing as the prompt for today, I knew I had to do it lol

Using AU for the prompt was really tempting, but I'm saving all my AU ideas for the long fics I want to make XD

Oh, and this isn't explicitly mentioned in the fic, but they all are adults (the boys are 19 and the girls are 18), and Tsukasa's in college! I figured having them aged up would work a little better with my plan for this one so I went with it hehe

Anyway, I hope you enjoy ^_^

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Rui looked up from his phone after the clock hit 4:37. Like clockwork, Tsukasa stepped past the campus gates, waving to his friends with a wide grin.

Rui couldn't help but smile while he watched Tsukasa look around for him, the blond's brows slowly furrowing. But the moment his Starshine's gaze met with his, his heart melted.

The way Tsukasa's eyes lit up, his smile sparkling in the evening glow around them... It all made Rui melt, every day it happened. It was truly a sight that would never get old.

Tsukasa made his way over to Rui, weaving his way through the parked cars, before stopping in front of him to give him a tight hug.

"I missed you so much, Darling!" he mused, clinging to Tsukasa while pressing a peck to his forehead.

"I missed you, too, Rui!"

Tsukasa stood on his toes, pressing a kiss to Rui's cheek.

"Are you ready for our date tonight?"

"Mhm! I've been looking forward to it all day!"

"Good! We're gonna stop by your house so you can get changed. Everything's all set up, but I figured you wouldn't want your school bag with us."

"Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise~"

Tsukasa pouted, his shoulders dropping with his whine.

"But, if you get ready quickly, you'll find out sooner!"

"We still have to go home!"

"Then let's go!"

Rui handed his boy a helmet, then pulled his own on. He and Tsukasa climbed on his motorcycle, before he turned the key.

"Ready?" he asked, glancing back.

Tsukasa nodded, wrapping his arms tightly around Rui.

"Let's go!"

With a quick nod, Rui set off, turning to head towards Tsukasa's house.

The ride through the city was relatively quick, and Rui soon slowed to a stop outside the Tenma residence. Tsukasa scrambled off, leaving his helmet where he'd just been sitting.

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