~Here in the cold, you warm my heart~

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Wonderlands x Showtime worked hard on their last show.

As a reward, Keisuke and Shosuke took them to one of the Otori family's cabins.

It would be a time where they could relax, play in the snow, and spend time together!

Though, they weren't expecting to get stuck there in a snow storm...

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Day 4: [Bad weather, Ocean, Music]

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I figured I could try to write something nice and sweet for the boys after what I did yesterday XD

Their fluffy moments make me weak, so I did my best to give them some fluff hehe

I hope you enjoy ^_^

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Tsukasa mindlessly drew stars on the frozen window behind the couch, attempting to see anything he could through the snow storm outside. Emu shifted on the cushion next to him with a huff, before she rolled over and let out a whine.

"Shosuke, I'm bored," she wailed dramatically, splaying herself across the couch.

"That sounds like a you problem," he replied, not even bothering to look up from his laptop.

Emu whined again, then turned her attention to Hinata.

"Hinata, can we-?"

"Just a moment, Emu. I gotta get this paper finished soon and I can't lose my train of thought."

Tsukasa glanced at the girl next to him when she sat up, puffing her cheeks in a pout.

"Nene, is the hot chocolate done yet?"

"Not yet, Emu. It still needs a little longer."

She let out another huff, plopping back down on the couch.

A door opened and closed behind Tsukasa, and two pairs of feet padded to the group quietly.

"You didn't start the movie yet?" Keisuke asked, the sound of the couch shifting with his weight filling the air.

"No, we were just waiting for you two before we picked it."

The couch shifted on Tsukasa's right. An arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him down, turning him to face the room. Rui shifted their position on the couch, pulling Tsukasa into his lap before laying a blanket over their legs to warm them up.

"I see the storm hasn't stopped," he mused, opening his laptop on Tsukasa's lap and logging in.

"The weather report said it might go on for the rest of the night. Just make sure you kids stay warm, tonight. Hopefully the flight back home won't be canceled," Shosuke replied.

"A few extra days off wouldn't hurt."

"Unlike you kids, us adults have a lot to get done," Shosuke retorted, glancing at the stage director.

"Rui's right, though."

Nene walked over with Robo-Nene, who carried a tray of cups behind her. She handed the first cup to Hinata, who thanked her quietly.

"You three have been working very hard and deserve a few extra days off. Hinata, with your college classes and trying to pass them. And the two of you helping run Phoenix Wonderland, and helping us with our ambassador work. You deserve as much of a break as we do."

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