~An Inconvenience Around Every Corner~

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With a huff, Tsukasa grabbed Nene's wrist and dragged her away from the box, moving towards the stairs.

"He-hey, I didn't agree to go-!"

"He won't listen to me. So we'll stop whatever prank he's up to together!"

"... I don't want to."

Was it too much to ask for a calm morning...? "

The two weirdos are up to their usual shenanigans. And Nene's, once again, dragged into it (against her will).

~ * ~

Nene turned the corner just in time to hear a soft clunk hit the floor, her director letting out a tired sigh and leaning against his... cloaked machine.

He's planning something again... The school faculty won't be happy whenever they find out...

"... What are you doing?"

His head perked up at the sound of his childhood friend, who hesitantly eyed his creation.

"Good morning to you too, Nene! Do you mind helping me get this to the roof?" He asked, patting the machine.

"Actually, I do mind," she huffed.

Nene swiftly turned away, leaving Rui pathetically calling for help with... whatever he had under that tarp.

Ugh, of all days, why did he have to bring his machine to school today...? It'd be one thing if he were doing maintenance on Robo-Nene, but whatever that machine was, was very obviously not her robot counterpart!

Nene went back downstairs, leaving the school building to look for somewhere quiet to sit and wait for class to start.

Maybe she could watch some musicals on her phone while she waited-

"HAHAHAHAHA! If it isn't Nen-!!!"

Nope. Nope! Nope!!!


She does not want to deal with that loud idiot so early in the morning...!

Her ever so loud troupe-mate followed after her when she ran back into the school, slipping past students to get away from him.


She turned a corner and slid to a stop when she nearly tripped on a little yellow box on the ground.

Tsukasa slid behind her, tripping over his feet and barely catching himself. He adjusted his stance, standing upright and looked over her shoulder, frowning at the strange box.

"What's that?" He asked.

"I dunno. If I had to guess, something of Rui's."

"You can't just leave things in the middle of the hall, someone could've tripped on it!"

Her exasperated troupe-mate stepped past her and bent down to pick up the box.

"Have you seen him by the wa-?"

With a pop, the box exploded, covering the blond in confetti.

"OH COME ON!!!!!"

Nene snorted, covering her mouth to hide her laughter directed towards his current predicament. Tsukasa stomped, then picked up the broken box and angrily shoved it in a trash bin nearby, before he headed off down the hall.

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