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It's the middle of the night.

Tsukasa is sleeping peacefully.

And Rui is wide awake.

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Day 7: [Free Day]

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I struggled so much to come up with an idea for what to write for today. A lot of the ideas I have for the boys are for long fics whenever I can get around to working on them.

Then I was sitting in bed a 2 in the morning cause I couldn't sleep, and with an idea, got straight to work on Rui having insomnia with me hehe

Plus I figured it would be nice if I tried to write something fluffy for them again, rather than the angst I tend to mostly write/plan XD

There is mention of sleeping meds in this one, if that's a trigger for anyone.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

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Rui fiddled with his thumbs, his tired gaze glued to the dark ceiling above him.

He'd been lying there like that for over an hour now, maybe even two, waiting for sleep to carry him off. But, unlike his boyfriend next to him, he was nearly wide awake, unable to fall asleep despite his exhaustion.

Rui turned his head, glancing at Tsukasa. Said boy slept peacefully, the only noise from him were the quiet snores and occasional hums in his sleep. He looked so calm, laying there sprawled across his side of the bed, blissfully unaware of Rui's struggles.

He couldn't help but be a little jealous of how easily his Star slept next to him. All Tsukasa had to do was say he was sleepy and climb under the blanket, and he was out like a light. Of course, the blond had his share of sleepless nights. But even then, he wasn't ever up as late as Rui could be.

With a quiet huff, Rui carefully shifted away, slipping out from under the blanket and off the mattress. He spared his Star a glance, making sure he hadn't moved. Tsukasa hummed, licking his lips as he rolled over, grabbing Rui's platypus plushie and curling himself over it. Rui smiled fondly at him, then slowly made his way out of the room.

He didn't let out his breath until he was down the stairs and in the kitchen, away from where his Star could hear. There, he sighed, leaning heavily against the counter.

He didn't know what to do, now that he was here. He could go into his workshop and do something. But he didn't feel the urge to get any work done. And he'd promised Tsukasa he would actually go to bed and get some rest. Of all the nights his insomnia could've hit, it had to be when he made a promise he'd intended to keep.

With another sigh, Rui glanced over the closed cupboards.

He could grab something to eat, but he wasn't hungry. And food wouldn't put him to sleep. He couldn't eat a ton and immediately fall into a food coma like Emu could.

Rui swallowed, licking at his dry lips.

Maybe he just needed something to drink. He could get some water, but that wouldn't help him sleep. Even if he took something with it. Which he had already done, and couldn't take anything again for a while.

He eyed the fridge, remembering something Tsukasa had mentioned once that helped the blond sleep when he couldn't.

"... warm milk," he muttered, sparing the stairs a glance.

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