~Cry to the Stars~

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" Tsukasa was running very late, something his Star tried his hardest to not do.

Tsukasa was persistent in communicating when he left his house, or wherever he'd been, to head to where Rui was.

The blond was especially persistent in texting him when he'd be running late.

But this time, there had been no texts saying he was on his way or running late.

The next option was through Saki.

But, like with Tsukasa, he'd gotten nothing from her. "

With his worry for his Star and his Star's sister growing by the second, Rui did what any other person would.

He goes to their house to see what's up.

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Day 3: [Amusement park, Song, Horror]

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I am so glad I waited to start this fic. If I had started and posted it when I first had the idea, it would've gone up long before RuiKasa week XD

And if fit perfectly, so I'm using it for today's prompts!

This one is inspired by "Patches," which was sung by Circus P and nostraightanswer. I was listening to it, I wanna say sometime in April or May. I fell in love with it, then read the lyrics and just thought of Tsukasa, then I got the idea for this fic!

(The song is at the top, I highly recommend you listen to it hehe)

I also want to draw a piece for it, but we'll see if I can find time to get to it between all my other projects ehe

Anyway, I hope you enjoy ^_^

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Rui gave his phone a glance, frowning at the time.

Tsukasa was running very late, something his Star tried his hardest to not do. Tsukasa was the most punctual person Rui had ever met in his life.

Not only that, Tsukasa was persistent in communicating when he left his house, or wherever he'd been, to head to where Rui was. Whether they were meeting at Phoenix Wonderland, at school, either of their houses, or in Sekai, Tsukasa always told him when he was heading over.

The blond was especially persistent in texting him when he'd be running late. It never mattered if he would only be a few seconds late, or if he was making a quick stop on the way that would keep him longer, he always communicated with Rui if something would keep him.

But this time, there had been no texts saying he was on his way or running late. Rui hadn't even gotten a phone call, which Tsukasa would turn to doing if he wasn't able to text him.

The next option in getting to Tsukasa was through Saki. Usually, if Rui weren't able to reach the Star, his sister could. Whether he was trying to reach Tsukasa at the time, or something else, Rui couldn't always be sure.

But, like with Tsukasa, Rui had tried calling and texting Saki. And he'd gotten nothing from her.

He had been waiting for an answer for so long now, that he simply stared at his phone as it sat on his desk, waiting for it to buzz with a call or text coming through. He couldn't focus on his work. Not when he didn't know what was happening.

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