~First (Official) Meeting (Art)~

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The moment Kasa woke up (in Overboard, so far, I swear we'll get there in FtW someday) and officially met Rui hehe

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The moment Kasa woke up (in Overboard, so far, I swear we'll get there in FtW someday) and officially met Rui hehe

I just realized I could've drawn the scene where Rui took Tsukasa back to the beach (and they gave their names and stuff) for today's prompt, but oh well! I'll save that for a future drawing when I have more energy to do it (if I remember) XD

I did almost forget that Tsukasa was upside down while drawing this one, so I had to fix it a couple times to try and make it look right lol


time: 2 hrs 10 min

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