~I told you so!~

168 3 5

" "Just make sure you stay warm! We can't have anyone getting sick on this trip or after we get home! Take care of your health so you can put your all into practice and our upcoming show!"



"Rui, you're an idiot." "

After their trip to the Otori's family cabin, Tsukasa finds out Rui got himself sick.

And, as any good boyfriend would, he decides to check up on him to make sure he's doing alright.

Rui should be mostly okay... right?

~ * ~

Day 5: [Vacation, Sick day, Detective]

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I had a different plan for today, but with one of the prompts changing from hospital to sick day, I figured I could save my original idea for later, and instead used this one to keep it following the prompt better!

And hopefully I can get to that other idea soon lol

I also thought to use this idea after finishing the last, since I could connect the two! (So just think of this one as a continuation or something to yesterday's prompt hehe).

Also, TW rq, Rui does take meds/pills cause he's sick in this one, so the warning's here just in case that's a trigger for anyone.

~ * ~

"Hey, Nene? Did you see Rui this morning?" Tsukasa asked, carefully opening his lunch.

He and Nene had gone to the school garden to eat, sitting in the shade of Tsukasa's favorite tree. Emu had things at Miya Girl's she had to do, so she wouldn't be joining them at Kamiyama. And Rui was nowhere to be seen. Quite literally, nowhere.

While it wasn't uncommon for Rui to skip classes or hide somewhere in the school, Tsukasa was usually able to find him. Or if he couldn't, he'd send a text and head to where his director was after the boy responded.

But today, Rui didn't text Tsukasa back when he asked. And Tsukasa had checked all his spots between classes, and hadn't spotted a sign of the boy while visiting them.

And Rui didn't switch spots for the sake of it, as much as he'd mentioned wanting to, to tease Tsukasa.

Nene looked up from her game, brow raising in question.

"He didn't text you or anything?"

"No, I've gotten nothing. I tried texting him and looking for him, but..."

He sighed, turning on his phone to double check, sighing again when there were no new messages.

"I haven't heard anything from him. And he was taking too long to get ready for school this morning, so I just assumed he was running late or something, and left without him."

"Hmm... maybe I'll go check on him after school. Emu said she had a club meeting come up today, right?"

"Mhm. And Ichika told me Leo/Need isn't meeting today, so we're going to practice singing after school."

"Oh! Tell Ichika I said hi, if you don't mind."

Nene nodded, turning her attention back to her game. Tsukasa lifted his chopsticks, about to take a bite of his rice when Nene spoke up.

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