~Midday Rendezvous~

46 3 19




"Please get him off me..." "

This is not how lunch was supposed to go...

~ * ~

Tsukasa neatly stuffed his papers into a folder, which he then shoved into his school bag.

He stood, promptly pushing his chair back under his desk and heading out of the classroom, his destination already in mind.

He planned to return and eat lunch at his desk, or with Rui, if his director caught him on his way back and hadn't already disappeared somewhere in the halls, but he had quite the urgent task to do first!

WonderShow had to turn in their costume designs for an upcoming show, which Tsukasa had volunteered to work on, to any of PXL's staff or Emu's brothers by Friday night before the park closed, which left the star with just a few days left to finish up!

Emu had already approved of the design for hers, her only request to add more sparkles, even though he'd made sure to add plenty extra before sharing the design with her...

Rui had left a few suggestions for his outfit, which Tsukasa believed wouldn't suit his director's costume, but he wrote them down anyway for their designers to look at and see what they thought.

Nene, on the other hand, left Tsukasa on read. So, of course, he had to spend some of his precious lunch break to track his troupe-mate down, and make sure she was okay with the design.

He wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, though. Perhaps she'd been in the middle of a game and just forgot to respond to his text. Or she accidentally opened the message and backed out before she could actually read it, and forgot to go back to check on it. Or she was so tired that she read it and simply just forgot to answer.

All valid enough reasons for why she didn't respond right away, and in the group chat, no less.

Only way to find out why exactly, was to ask her in person, instead of hoping and waiting for her to respond through text!

"NENE!!" The blond called the moment he opened her classroom door.

He caught sight of her flinching, her pencil flipping from her hand to the floor from the scare, which Toya quickly picked up for her.

"What do you want...?" She grumbled, tugging at the ends of her hair as she took her pencil from Toya and finished writing something down on an assignment.

"I need to know your thoughts on your outfit!! If you want anything changed, I need to know now!!"

"The skirt is too poofy. And the sleeves should be shortened, unless you want me to die from overheating. And the headpiece shouldn't be as flashy as it is if I'm playing a side character. Make it simpler. Oh, and no cape. It's warm enough out. Unless you really want me dead," she listed off without looking up.

"I don't want you dead!!" Tsukasa scoffed, offended at such an accusation. "And the cape is supposed to look cool! We could make it out of a light material, and-!!!"

"No cape. I don't like it."

The star huffed, pulling out his phone to write down all of Nene's 'corrections' so he could fix up the design when he got home.

"You could have texted me all that, y'know?! Didn't have to make me come find you..." He grumbled.

"Didn't feel like it."

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