Chapter 25 - Loki

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I returned to Asgard defeated, and locked myself in my chambers. I don't have the energy to speak or argue with anyone right now.

I sit down and I let go of a long breath. However, my heart still aches. How do you heal such pain? The first tear escapes my eye but I brush it off quickly.

As I look up, I notice blue fabric peaking through my closet's door. Using my magic, I swing it open and I pull it out. It was the latest dress I was working on for Selene.

I stare at it for a moment. She looks stunning in blue, and she would be breathtaking in this royal blue fabric...

I close my hand into a fist and set the dress on fire. I watch the flames wrap around it and quickly the blue turns charcoal.

It is done in a few seconds. What used to be a collection of the rarest and most beautiful fabrics now lies on the floor in a small pile of ashes.

I turn my back and walk to the other side of the room. I reach to the lower cabinet of the furniture and I grab the first bottle I find. I pour myself a generous amount. But I finish it quickly, so I pour another glass.

After everything I have done for her, she dismisses me so easily. She trusts them more than me. THEM! I have done nothing but care and love her when no one else did. And the most absurd thing is that she went on their side.

Maybe if I had told her the plan from the beginning we wouldn't have gotten here, but I was afraid of her reaction. Maybe I pushed her trust too far.

But was it really that bad? It was one wrong decision... One mistake. And to Hyperion's credit, he caught it. He caught it and ran with it. Still that doesn't mean he is more trustworthy than me. I slipped once! He fucked up so many times!

I deserved the benefit of the doubt!

Inraged, I throw my glass on the wall and it shatters, spreading hundreds of pieces all over the room. It is the least of my worries now.

I deserved the benefit of the doubt. I deserved better treatment. It was like she waited for me to take a wrong step, so she'd have an excuse to dispose me.

Now she is back with them. In the end, maybe that is what she deserves. She made her decisions, so the consequences are up to her. I don't care anymore. Caring got me here...

She broke my heart. But I will not allow her to break me. I don't need her. I will get my throne myself and then no one will dare to treat me this way.

I leave my chambers and I rush to find Odin. One of the guards informed me that he having dinner with mother.

"Loki, I didn't know you would be back so quickly" mother says as I enter

"Did you bring her?" Odin gets to the topic immediately

"Bring who?" mother questions.

"Can you give us a moment, mother?" I ask politely

"We will talk later" she tells me as she goes.


"Whatever relationship was between me and Selene is over now" I announce. Her names tastes bitter in my mouth now.

"Why do you always have to do the opposite of the things I asked you?" he asks.

Of course, I am always failing.

"I have another proposition. You will retire, give me your place, and I will lead our army into a war against all of them"

"You can not believe--" he laughs

"I have spend enough time with Selene that I have earned great knowledge about them. Knowledge that I can use against them. I know their strengths and most importantly their weaknesses"


"Most of gods in Omnipotence City are either too old or drunk to care what happens to them. There will be little to zero resistance from them"

"These are just accusations. She could be lying"

"I don't believe she was"

"Why don't you? What makes you think anything she said to you was real?".

What makes you think anything she said to you was real? I don't know...

"She is a liar. But I am one too and I believe she was truthful about that, at least. Why else didn't Zeus or anyone else come here when they learned about the relationship? They don't care".

"And has she given you any other useful information?"

"Plenty. But I'd like to keep my leverage for now" I am not going to give him all I know yet.

He nods.

"And what do you expect from this?"

"Expand the Realm and put an end to this centuries long grudge by defeating them once and for all"

"Defeating all of them?" he questions, but I know exactly what he is implying

"All of them" I reassure him. "We will be on top of everybody, more powerful than ever".

"If I agree, you will not do anything on your own. The army and the people may believe you are the leader but I am guiding you until the war is over. Then, when you have proven yourself to me, I will retire for good" he demands

"We have a deal then".

"Not so fast. There is one more thing"

"Anything" I reply immediately.


The meeting with my father was cut short when my brother walked in. However, we were already done. Odin took it up to himself to explain the plans to Thor once it is time, because we both know that Thor will try to prevent it.

"Not so fast" my mother stops me in the hallway

"I have places to be" I say in my attempt to avoid her

"I do not care. What happened?"

"Nothing happened"

"You know better that to lie to me, boy"

"Alright, I am not doing this. Think whatever you want. Like you said, I do not care".

"Loki!" she raises her voice. She never really gets angry, yet she just raised her voice. "There is a matter bothering you, we both know that very well. But don't do something out of rage and impulse that you will regret later" she warns me.

"Trust me, mother, I will not regret this" I state and continue to walk to my original destination.

I am going to destroy all of them.

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