Chapter 16 - Loki

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I don't remember the last time I was so glad to be alive; the last time I was actually looking forward to waking up every morning. And it's all because of Selene.

This woman... I've never met someone who had that big of an influence on me. I can't stop thinking about her. I wait for her -not just the sex, but for her. I can't sleep when I'm away from her. Every second we are together makes all the risks we take worth it. I can't get enough of her, and I'm done pretending I don't care. Even my mood is controlled by the expression on her face; she smiles, I smile; she is sad, I'm sad.

This whole thing is madness, but I'll make sure to get the most out of it before it falls apart and crashes.

Unfortunately, people close to me have started noticing my major change. My family -especially my mother- has been questioning me constantly. Even Odin has noticed which makes me a bit worried. He has been ignoring me my whole life, why take interest now? Unless someone whispered something in his ear. My brother has snitched on me before...

To cover it up, I have started staying home more and acting grumpy again. I need them to let go of the assumptions and keep Selene's name away from them, because I know how low Odin is willing to go if he feels threatened.

So, as soon as night falls I'm off to Midgard. I feel like a teenager sneaking out which is ridiculous. But it's for Selene. I need to see her.

Now I sound ridiculous...

The moment I cross her door, Selene calls for me upstairs. I find her in her room, dressed and ready to go out.

She is standing in front of her mirror, looking absolutely breathtaking in her tight navy blue gown. Her shoulders and her arms are covered by its long sleeves, but her back is exposed. Sparkling diamonds dress her shoulders, and around the cut of on the back of the dress. The fabric hugs her figure perfectly, and stops right above her knees. A pair of blue heels gives her a few inches of height, but not enough to overcome me yet.

Her silver hair is styled in a low bun, with a couple of pieces falling by the sides of her face. Her eyelids also sparkle. A smile appears on her painted lips as her eyes meet mine through the mirror.

"You look gorgeous" I say finally

"Thank you" she blushes, which I find adorable everytime.

I walk closer to her and I kiss her. "I missed you" I admit

"Me too" she replies. "I really wish we had more time, but we have to get going already" she reminds me

"Right, of course. Black taxedo?"

"Yes. But maybe switch the jacket for a blue one. Blue looks good on you, it brings out your eyes" she suggests with a smile

"Alright" I agree.

I use my magic and I am ready in a couple of seconds. I make my jacket on the same shade as her dress.

"Perfect" Selene says and kisses me quickly.

She grabs her purse and hands it to me. I hold it for her as she puts on a pair of earrings and takes one last look in the mirror. Then she comes back to me and takes her purse. As we leave, I offer my arm to her and she accepts happily.

We may be hiding from the entire universe, but here we are somewhat safer. Not many gods look down here anymore. And we've been taking advantage of it since the beginning.

We have been spending all our time together, inside and outside Selene's house. Just like tonight. A Midgardian friend of hers is having a birthday party and she was invited. She is bringing me along as her plus one, knowing very well I'll be her tail all night. I have no desire to socialize with them.

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