Chapter 8 - Loki

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More days pass with no signs of communication from any titan or other god. However, I'm not particularly mad because it gives me more moments with Selene. She truly gets better every night. She's addictive.

But tonight she isn't home. I notice on the table the glass with my usual drink and a piece of paper besides. I pick up both and I unfold the note.

Emergency at work, I'll be late.
Finish your drink and go home.
See you tomorrow

I let the paper down and I finish the drink in one sip. I could stay here and jerk off but it's not what I was hoping for night. I can do that or go find her and have a quick one.

The decision is easy. So, I check her location via spell, and I am on my way immediately. I know she won't like it, but I don't like letting the night go to waste either. As much as it pains me to admit it I need her.

I make it to a busy hotel in downtown New York. Luckily for me, she's in the lobby when I arrive and I don't have to look for her in every room. She's doing something on her phone and I recognize the stress in her expression.

But she looks breathtaking. Her silver hair is in a low bun, she's wearing a grey -a little darker than the shade of her eyes- tight knee-length dress with a black belt hugging her waist and a black blazer on top of all. A pair of black high heels make her exposed calves look sexier than usual.

She lifts her head and notices me. She rolls her eyes -of course. She checks the people around before walking up to me.

"I told you to go back home" she says

"And you thought I'd listen? That's a bad call from your part" I reply.

"I'm busy. I'll see you tomorrow" she turns to leave.

I grab her arm and I stop her "I hope you're not meeting anyone here"

"No, I'm not. Now get off my ass"

"I would never ever wish to" I smile.

She sighs and looks at her phone again. I put my hands on her shoulders and I start massaging her. I pretend to care.

"So tense... Just give me 10 minutes. I'll be quick, in and out" I request

"I can't. I'm sorry" she replies less defensive now. "One of my girls was found dead in an alley a few hours earlier. I'm here looking for her last date to warn him that if he doesn't confess on his own, I will expose him. But I have no luck with the secretary there about getting information. The reservation was in my fake name originally, but now he has probably changed it in his fake one which I don't know. He should still be in the same room because it has to be messy from all the blood that's missing from the body. And I can't use magic or mind control to find out because Fury has me on lockdown" she explains.

"Pathetic. Let me try" I suggest

"No, no". She is late, I'm already on my way to the front desk.

"Hello, Stacey" I read the girls' name tag and I greed her with my most seductive smile

"Hello, sir" she responds cheerful.

"How is your night going?" I wonder

"I've had worse" she admits

"I can imagine. I was hoping you can help me with something tonight"

"Anything" she bites her lip.

"My wife is cheating on me, and I want to check if she's doing it here. I've literally looked in every other hotel in the area for her"

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