Chapter 6 - Loki

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Do I feel bad for using her?
Absolutely not.

I'm sure the Titans will not appreciate the sexual relations between me and Selene. So if they have something to say, they could come and see me themselves. We can talk about that, and other things -for example, what they will offer me in order to leave Selene alone. I accept anything that will involve the title King. Until then I will enjoy myself with her.

A Norse god and a Greek goddess.

It feels like the Midgardian story of Romeo and Juliet. The biggest difference is that there is no emotion here. It's pure fucking, and personal agendas. We are both stubborn, egoistic, our personalities are too similar. It is like putting fire against fire, and together we raise even hotter.

Our meeting have become more frequent during the last few days. I'm with Selene every night until surise, and then I spent all day anticipating for the sunset. There is no moment in the day when I don't think about her and what I'm going to do to her.

After more than a thousand years alive, I thought I had experienced every type of sex possible. The greatest high I've ever experienced.

"Loki!" my mother's voice brings me back to reality.

Suddenly, I remember that we are all having breakfast. I have no idea for how long I've been drifted off.

"You've been too quiet lately. Is everything alright, dear?" she asks

"Yes, do not worry mother" I smile.

"Where have you disappearing, son?" my father asks

"With all due respect, is none of your business" I answer

"Watch your tone" he demands.

I roll my eyes and I look down at my food again. I won't let him ruin the good mood I have from last night.

"Has anything interesting happened lately that has you so cheerful all day every day?" my mother wonders.

This is really nothing I can hide from this woman, and sometimes it infuriates me.

"I think I know" my brother says proudly "He probably met someone"

"Oh, Loki! That's wonderful!" my mother exclaims.

"Can we not--"

"Who are they?"

"No one. There is no one. I don't know why my brother would think of that" I claim

"No, I think he is right. Tell us, please. When can we meet her?"

"Woah, ok. Trust me, things are not the way you think they are. I'm not seeing her--"

"So, it is a 'her'. Keep talking" she insists.

I clear my throat and I stand up from my seat. "I think I'm full. I will see you later, mother" I say

"I will be going too actually" Thor follows close after me.

"You're a dead man" I whisper to him as we exit the dining room

"Happy to see you too, brother. I hope that 'her' is not Selene" he stops me.

"Oh, so you knew who she really was when you introduced her to me as Luna" I notice

"Of course I did. I told Director Fury"

"You're still such a snitch, brother...".

"Regardless, you know how bad the relationship between us and them are. Father wouldn't be happy"

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