Chapter 6 - Black Card

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I take a sip of my beverage as I listen to my grandma and mama converse in front of me

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I take a sip of my beverage as I listen to my grandma and mama converse in front of me.

They asked me to join them for a dinner. Catalina was also invited but she is working and declined the invitation. I only came because Eric is barely home, and I didn't feel like having dinner alone again.

"I don't know how much longer I can take that Catalina and Alberto are constantly fighting." Mama's words get my attention.

"They have always fought since the moment she became a teenager. It's not right especially since Alberto is her father." My grandma responds.

"Well, he has always treated her differently. He has always been so hard on her and instead of helping her he makes things more difficult for her." I speak up and they both look at me.

"Your father has loved her since the moment I was pregnant with her. I don't understand why their relationship had to become this way." Mama speaks looking stressed.

"Whatever it is that is going on is also affecting Orion. They both need to fix whatever it is that started everything." Grandma states and I go back to eating.

"How are things with you and Eric, honey?" Mama changes the topic, giving me a small smile.

"Good." I think.

"I hope that he is treating you well." She says and I nod.

"And that you are being a good wife, Lucia." Grandma tells me and I nod once again.

It's in that moment that I spot a familiar face from across the restaurant. It's Marco and he is having dinner with a woman who I can't quite see. Her back is facing me, but I can clearly see Marco's face.

I begin to wonder who the woman could be, but I quickly realize that it is none of my business and that I shouldn't draw conclusions either. It is kind of weird that ever since I met him, I have seen him everywhere I go now.

"When are you planning on making the first move?" Anna questions as she eats her pasta

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"When are you planning on making the first move?" Anna questions as she eats her pasta.

"Soon." Is all I respond with, and she gives me a look.

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