Chapter 11 - Gelato

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A smile subconsciously makes its way onto my face

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A smile subconsciously makes its way onto my face.

I put my hands in the pockets of my coat for warmth as I walk toward Ace. He is currently helping a taquero make the tacos. It's so unexpected and weird to see. I thought he was Italian. Where did he learn to do this?

"Buenas noches." I say to the workers around. They all give me warm smiles and respond.

Ace somehow got my number which wasn't surprising and he asked me to meet him out for some street food. I haven't left my bedroom since the situation with Eric and his father. I would only come out when I would here him leave to work and I would go and talk to the maids and help them cook.

I also hesitated on coming because of the weird dream I had about him. When I woke up, I felt something at the thought of him. I actually couldn't get him out of my mind for hours and I didn't know if I could ever see him the same again. I decided that I was being silly, and I chose to accompany him on this beautiful night. It was just a dream, and it is not like he will ever know.

Tonight, Eric is gone probably with his mistress or something, so I decided to join my new friend. I'm not sure if he is even my friend but I like to consider him one.

"Hello ma'am, what can I get for you today?" Ace asks looking very serious and concentrated in what he is doing.

"Me puede dar dos tacos de asada y dos al pastor, por favor." I tell him in Spanish since he seems to understand.

He nods I watch him in amusement, and he serves me my tacos. He converses with the owners and workers in Italian as they speak to him in Spanish, and they seem to all understand him perfectly fine. He seems to understand them as well and I just watch in more amusement. I find this quite attractive for some weird reason.

I don't realize I'm smiling so hard until they point it out.

"Que bonita sonrisa tienes, muchacha." One of the men says and the rest agree.

"Gracias." I smile taking the water I ordered from the kind woman here who smiles at me sweetly.

Ace gives me my plate of food and I put the toppings on my tacos as he serves himself his own food. When he is done, he retires from his spot. He thanks the workers and pays them a good amount of money which I am glad he does or else I would have done it.

They all seem very grateful, and they thank him.

"Que bella su novia, joven." The woman tells Ace before we get to go sit down to eat.

I'm about to say that I'm not his girlfriend when he beats me to responding.

"Sì, lo è, grazie. Buonanotte." He smiles big at her and then turns to the others to say good night.

They also say good night to me and wave. I return the words and gestures. We take a seat on the farthest table for privacy, and I smile just looking at him. I look over at the dark but calming view of the ocean as I begin to eat. I look over at Ace who is waiting for my reaction just as I am about to say how good these tacos are. He smiles at the face I make and begins eating his own food.

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